Chapter 6

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"How long can I stay?" I asked Halen the next morning at breakfast.

We were both sitting in our pajamas, trying to nurse our massive hangovers with a cup of coffee.

"As long as you can before Mom and Dad go apeshit. I don't really mind. I miss seeing my little sister everyday," he said shrugging his shoulders, "Have they even tried contacting you?"

"They texted me yesterday and I told them I was with you so I don't think they mind exactly," I said.

"But what about clothes and shit?" Halen asked.

"You seem to forget that I have a whole separate wardrobe at your house," I said and he chuckled.

"True, so how are you doing little sis? I feel bad that we didn't really talk that much yesterday," Halen said.

"I'm doing okay, I kind of hate being at home but I'll be gone soon. I'm not sure when I'm leaving but I know it's soon," I said smiling.

"That's good. I know how you feel honestly," Halen said laughing.

"Yup, I want to travel a bit and maybe be able to go and surprise Michael in the next few months. I'm not sure yet," I said.

"Oh yeah! How are you and Michael doing? Still got that crush on him?" Halen asked and I felt my cheeks heat up a bit.

"Maybe," I mumbled.

"Awe, you two were always my O-T-P," Halen said and I nervously giggled.

"Shut up," I whined hitting his arm but Halen just laughed more, "You don't even know what you're talking about, you don't have a Tumblr."


"Tampon Michael," I cooed at the screen.

"That's rude," he said frowning.

"Well see the thing is, when I shove a tampon up my-" I started but was cutoff by Michael's whining.

"You can stop right there, Soph," he said cutting me off.

"Not my fault you look like a used tampon with the red hair and pale skin," I said rolling my eyes playfully.

He grabbed his phone and started typing at it while I sat waiting for him to respond. He typed at his phone a bit more until he finally looked up.

"Do you really not like it?" He asked looking worried.

"No, you look hot. Don't worry," I said and he grinned.

"Well obviously I'm always hot," Michael said fanning at himself and I snorted.

"You never seem to fail at amazing me with your extreme cockiness," I said rolling my eyes.

I heard a knock at the door and turned around in the swivel chair to yell at the person on the other side.

"Hey, it's just me. I think you should check your Twitter," Halen said quickly. I gave him a confused look but knew something was up when I heard Michael snort from the other side of the computer screen.

I grabbed my phone from on top of the desk and opened up the app to see what had happened.

@_SophRose: can @Michael5SOS bang me

@_SophRose: @Michael5SOS has a huge d!ck

@_SophRose: @Michael5SOS could get it any day, he's so hot

I looked up from my phone and glared at Michael who was biting his lip to try and stop from laughing. To make matters worse, he had retweeted every single one onto his own account. I swear I was going to strangle that boy whenever I meet him.

"Why did I even trust you with my password?" I groaned.

"You think after three years you'd know me by now and know not to trust me with anything," Michael snickered and I grinned sadly.

"Sadly, I know everything about you," I said putting extra emphasis on the word.

"Okay, it's not my fault that you FaceTimed Calum and he walked into the bathroom while I was showering," Michael said and I started laughing really hard to a point where I snorted.

"I miss him anyways," I said pouting.

"Yeah, since he's the only one you've truly met," Michael said frowning a bit. The mood in our conversation had obviously changed and it seemed a lot more tense.

"How many times do I have to apologize for that? I'm sorry," I sighed.

"But why did you leave? Did you really not want to meet me? Was I just the next victim to your bullshit?" Michael asked.

I sighed again knowing that we had this conversation every once in awhile when Michael was feeling sensitive.

"Michael," I huffed.

"I'm still angry about that," he whispered softly.

"I'm sorry," I squeaked out.

"No, it's not your fault. Not like you planned out to meet me and just left before you could," Michael said humorlessly.

"How many fucking times do I have to say I'm sorry? If I could take it back, I would. Can we stop arguing about this? It's in the past," I snapped.

Michael and I's voices were raising. This would be the first time we'd ever have a true fight. We never fought. I didn't like it.

"Sorry," Michael whispered.

"I'm sorry too," I whispered back.

"What time is it in Michigan?" Michael asked changing the subject. It seemed to ease the tension but everything still felt awkward. Things were never awkward between Michael and I.

"It's 8 p.m. What are you even doing up? It's like 2 a.m. where you're at," I said grinning while shaking my head slightly.

"I couldn't sleep, I need a cuddle buddy," Michael pouted.

"Ask Luke to come cuddle you," I said.

"Nah, I'd much rather have you," Michael said and I felt my face flush. My cheeks started burning up and I could tell they were getting a reddish tint to them by looking into the screen.

"Luke might be disappointed to hear that," I said rolling my eyes.

Michael chuckled and nodded his head.

"He'll just have to get used to it if you're going to come visit soon," Michael said.

"And who told you that was going to happen?" I asked amused.

"I just know you Soph, you don't give up on friendships like so many people I know. You fight to get through the mistakes. You listen to everything I say even though most of the time it's bullshit. We will meet soon because we will make it happen," Michael said.

I felt the smile growing on my face.

"We will meet," I confirmed.




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