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THREE DAYS PASSED without any call from Eddie. Kennedy had finally concluded that this was just some sick joke between him and his friends, and she made sure to tell Robin what she thought. Normally, she would have just smoked to cool herself off, but she had run out the night she helped Dustin find his turtle. So, when she had some free time, she decided to go see Reefer Rick to get more.

As soon as she pulled into the driveway, she noticed another car there. It looked like an old worn-out minivan of some sort. Usually no one else except Rick was there when she came to get her stuff, but no matter. She would get what she came for and then leave.

"Henderson!" the dealer greeted when he came to the door.

"Hey." Kennedy smiled, looking around to see whose car was outside.

"Come on in." The house was messy, but nothing Kennedy wasn't used to. Not that her house was messy, but most of the other houses she stayed in were. She didn't like to think too much about them, though.

"Well, well, look who it is," a familiar voice said from the other side of the room with a smile. "Kennedy Henderson."

"Munson!" She smiled, trying not to let him know that she was disappointed he hadn't called.

"I didn't know you...you know."

"Oh," she said, "Yeah. Quite a bit, actually."

"Good to know." An awkward silence filled the room before Rick went to get the goods. "Just so you know, my phone's not working."

"Oh," Kennedy sighed with relief.

"Yeah. But, uh, maybe if you're not doing anything later, you might like to come over and play?"

"Oh, yeah, for sure!" Kennedy was still smiling sweetly at the boy. No way this was actually happening. "You live across from the Mayfields, right?"


"Okay, cool!" There was an awkward silence until Rick came back with the weed. Kennedy took what she came for and paid.

"I'll see you later?" Eddie asked, a slight smile on his face.

"See you later," she replied with a smile. And with that, she left.

About an hour had passed after Kennedy got home before she decided it was a good time to go over to Eddie's. She had two guitars, one electric and one acoustic, and two amps for the electric. One was much too big to fit into her car, while the other was smaller and much more portable. So, she grabbed her electric guitar and the smaller amp, and headed to the trailer park where Eddie lived.

His trailer wasn't much, but it was cozy. And his room was pretty sick, Kennedy thought. She noticed a pair of handcuffs on the wall, but didn't pay much attention to them. She came to play guitar and that was exactly what she was going to do.

"Look at this beauty," Eddie remarked, referring to Kennedy's guitar.

"Isn't she pretty?" Kennedy said back, a smile on her face. She plugged her amp in, made it so that it wasn't too loud but definitely still audible, and turned the drive on for more of a metal effect. Eddie's uncle wasn't home, but she still didn't want to disturb anyone else around them. Eddie had different ideas in mind, though. Kennedy noticed his volume was on pretty high, getting the idea that maybe he didn't care if anyone else heard.

The first song Kennedy played was Enter Sandman by Metallica. It was an easy song, not to mention quite basic, but pretty catchy and fun to play. Eddie wanted to see how good she was by starting off listening to her, and he admitted he was impressed. He didn't know many girls who actually liked playing electric, and Kennedy Henderson certainly didn't strike him as someone who did. But nonetheless, she was, and she definitely wasn't bad at it. And of course, the next one she played was the electric version of Shout.

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