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KENNEDY TILTED HER HEAD A BIT, not completely sure if she'd heard that right. Did Eddie Munson really just ask to kiss her? Like, kiss her, kiss her?

"What?" she asked innocently, her eyes still gazing lustfully into his. Eddie moved his hand from her hair to her chin, his thumb stroking her bottom lip.

"Can I kiss you," he asked again, "Kennedy Henderson?" It took a moment for Kennedy to realize this was actually happening - it was real. She said nothing in response. Instead, she responded by cupping his face in her hands and finally closing the distance between them, drawing their lips together in a kiss.

The kiss started off gentle, sweet - but as time went on, it grew more and more heated. Eddie moved their position so that now he was hovering on top of her as he moved his lips down to her neck. Kennedy's hand rested in his hair, pulling on it every now and then. Eddie seemed to respond well to this - maybe he liked it? The two pulled apart for a minute, catching their breath. Kennedy didn't like this, though. No, she never wanted it to stop. So after a few seconds, she pulled him back in, reigniting the kiss.

Kennedy Henderson was not the type of girl to "put out." In fact, she'd never even really had sex before. There was this one basketball player named Patrick that she'd fooled around with for a bit when she was fifteen, and of course then there was Steve. But not once had she actually had consensual sex with someone. Every time she got close, she'd start to panic, flashbacks of that one foster parent filling her mind. And the one time she was actually okay with it, the one time she was finally about to go all the way with Steve Harrington, her little brother walked in on them.

She never got past second or third base with anyone. She had started to become comfortable with things like oral and hand stuff, but never fully sleeping with someone. But based on the reviews from the two guys she'd actually done stuff with, she was pretty damn good at what she did do. There was also Robin, who she'd made out with in the past after a drunk coming-out to one another. Kennedy had realized she was bisexual, and Robin was a lesbian. Surprisingly enough, though, even with all the chemistry between the two, they never really developed romantic feelings for one another. 

Eddie ran his tongue across Kennedy's bottom lip as if he was asking permission for entry. She responded to this well, pulling him in closer by his hair, deepening the kiss. She wanted as much of him as she could get - she felt as if she needed more of him. 

For once, Kennedy's mind wasn't clouded with anxiety as to what would happen next. It was probably the alcohol, though, and she knew if it went any further she would start freaking out. But for the time being, she allowed herself to live in the here and now - not the future. She allowed herself to sink deeper into the moment, letting her body be completely engulfed in his. She didn't know if or when this would ever happen again, and she wanted to enjoy every second of it.

As Eddie's hands started to roam, from her hair to around her neck, then to her waist, her chest, Kennedy felt herself getting pulled back into reality. She did not want this to go any further. She pulled away, breathing rather heavily. Eddie pulled away, too, a slightly confused look on his face. After what seemed like ages of silence, Kennedy finally spoke.

"I'm sorry," she murmured.

"For what?" Eddie asked, stroking his hand through her hair.

"I don't know," Kennedy admitted. For stopping.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Ken." Eddie paused. "Can I call you that? Can I call you Ken?" Kennedy nodded, smiling. She loved being called Ken. After being called Kennedy for long enough, it started to not sound like a name, let alone even a word. 

The two sat back upright, an awkward silence filling the room, broken occasionally by a poorly-maintained dog yapping across the street. Kennedy would go across the street almost every night she went to Eddie's and pay the dog some attention and food, seeing Max there on occasion.

Eddie's mind was racing, as was his heart - what the hell just happened? He'd had a crush on the Henderson girl practically ever since she stepped food in the "Dungeon," but not once did he ever imagine himself actually making a move. Something about her seemed so mysterious, almost intimidating. Upon actually talking to her and befriending her, though, Munson realized she was truly one of the sweetest people he'd ever met. She was kind, genuinely kind, and her sweet, innocent laugh was more contagious than the common cold. However, there was still some part of her that he knew was closed off - that's what made her so interesting.

There was a kind of innocence, almost a kind of naivety, to her. Eddie could see it when he looked into her eyes - God, those eyes. Eddie swore he could get lost in them. The way they gazed into his made him feel something he hadn't really felt before. How could her eyes do that to him? Come on, everyone has eyes. 

The fact that Eddie couldn't figure out what it was about the girl that drew him to her so much drove him insane. There was just something about her, something he couldn't wrap his finger around, that made him feel just as intoxicated as a rip off his bong did. She was like a drug, the way she left him wanting more every time she left. He just couldn't get enough of her. 

a/n - almost 2k reads HOLY SHITTT. i was at like 200 the other day jesus christ. anyways im so sorry this chapter is so short i lost motivation oops, also i absolutely loathe writing in third person

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