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DUSTIN FILLED EDDIE IN on pretty much everything he had seen or gone through, including his friends with special powers.

"So, like, superheroes?" Eddie asked.

"Pretty much," Dustin replied, eyeing Kennedy.


"Dunno," Dustin answered dryly.

"So they can, like, move shit with their minds, and whatnot?" Dustin nodded. He glared at his sister, who was staring absently into the ground beneath her feet. She didn't know what Eddie would think of her if he found out she was one of the "superheroes." 

"Kennedy," Dustin said, trying to make it sound like he was clearing his throat but ultimately failing.

"Right," she said, standing up reluctantly. "Maybe this is too much. You know, all of this at once. Maybe we should - " She stopped once she saw just the way her little brother was looking at her.

"Here's proof so you know I'm not lying," Dustin said, showcasing his sister like she was an exhibit in a museum.

"Fuck," Kennedy muttered under her breath. She moved her gaze onto the oar that Steve had been poking around with, lifting it up with ease, using nothing but her mind. And, with a slight tilt of her head, it snapped. She sat down at once, wiping off the blood that came trickling down her nose. Eddie said nothing; he just stared at her, an amazed, yet horrified expression on his face.

As the minutes went by, the silence only grew thicker.

Dustin sniffled.

Robin coughed.

Steve sneezed.

Kennedy and Eddie said nothing. There was, in both of their minds, nothing to say. Kennedy figured Eddie had every right and reason to start resenting her - she hadn't lied to him, exactly, but she had withheld the truth. But, in her defense, when really is the right time to tell the guy you smoke with who you have this massive crush on that you're a telekinetic? 

"I think I'm gonna go-" Kennedy stammered, standing up abruptly and making her way to the door.

"Kennedy." Eddie interrupted her leaving, looking at her sternly. He looked back over t where she was sitting, and she begrudgingly sat back down. However, instead of talking to her, he just stared at her. And so the awkward silence continued.

"I think maybe we should go," Dustin whispered to Steve. Harrington nodded in agreement. It was now nearing midnight, and everyone's parents were bound to be panicking at this point.

"What about -" Steve tilted his head over to Kennedy and Eddie, Kennedy still staring at the ground and Eddie still staring at Kennedy.

"Should we leave them?" Robin suggested. 

"What?" Dustin scowled. "Are you crazy?"

"What?" Robin asked with a defensive tone. Dustin shook his head, raising his index finger and thumb to the bridge of his nose. Sometimes he really reminded everyone of a middle-aged man going through an existential crisis.

"Why do I need to explain this?" he sighed. "First of all, my mom would go crazy worrying about Ken. Second of all ..." Steve agreed with him once again. 

"Hey," Steve said, interrupting Kennedy and Eddie's continual silence. "We're, uh, we're gonna go, I think."

"Wait," Eddie said. "You're-you're just gonna leave me here? Alone?" Nobody responded. 

Kennedy finally said something. "I'll stay."

"No, Ken, you gotta come home -" Dustin tried, but to no avail.

"Dustin. I'll be fine. Just tell mom the phones are down at Robin's place and I'm spending the night with her. Or something. Really, it's fine."

"No," Eddie argued, "you don't need to."

"Eddie, shut up," Kennedy said, kind of instinctively. "I'm not leaving you alone here."

More awkward silence.

"Fine," Dustin sighed. And with that, the crew, with the exception of Kennedy, was gone.

After a little while, Eddie deemed it was safe to go back to the house, leaving the shed finally. It was getting colder and colder by the minute, and Kennedy, being the genius she was, wore only a tee-shirt and jeans. Neither she nor Eddie had said one word to each other.

Once they got back inside the house, Eddie threw himself on the couch, his hand on his forehead. He didn't want to admit it, but with Kennedy there, he felt safe. Especially now that he knew just what she could do. 

"Hey," he said, throwing a piece of paper at the girl. "You wanna smoke?"

"What?" Kennedy said, taken aback. She almost started laughing at how random that was.

"You heard me." Kennedy looked at him mischievously, then nodded. "C'mon. I know where Rick keeps his shit."

Inside a closet in a very tucked-away room inside the house was over a pound of weed, a handheld bowl, four, and two bongs. There were also a bunch of papers and filters, and over seven lighters. As Kennedy stuffed a grinder she had taken to her liking with weed, Kennedy gently grabbed her wrist.

"Ah-ah-ah," he insisted, "let me do it." Kennedy reluctantly gave in, handing him the iridescent silver grinder. He internally made fun of himself for that. Why couldn't he just let her do it? Why was he trying to be a gentleman? How did he think he was even being a gentleman? "Pick your poison," Eddie said, referring to the assortment of ways one could get high sitting in the closet. Kennedy, being the bong enthusiast she was, chose the two-foot clear bong sitting in the corner. 

"I'll go grab some water," she said. Eddie nodded.

After filling the base of the bong with water and packing the bowl almost to the brim, Kennedy took her first hit. And so did Eddie. And then their second, third, fourth, and so on. They finally stopped once the both of them were too high to even remember their last names.

"Hey," Eddie said softly, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" Kennedy queried. At this point, they were both laying on the ground on their backs, heads turned so they were facing each other.

"You know," Eddie replied, "you know."

"No," Kennedy persisted. 

"Kissing you, you know, and, like, not calling you, and shit. I dunno."

"Don't be sorry," Kennedy said, moving closer. Her voice was soft and smooth, so innocent yet so ... seductive. No, Eddie was just insanely high. "There's no need to be."

"But I am," Eddie insisted. "You deserve better than that."

"Hey," Kennedy said, turning over so she was on her side, still facing Eddie. "I didn't call, either. It was both of us. And hey, we're here now." She smiled softly, her eyes flicking down to his lips. "I'm sorry too."

"Don't be," Eddie said, his voice so low it was barely even a whisper. He turned onto his side as well. There was a moment of silence between them, but this time, it wasn't awkward. It was sweet. "I know I literally just apologized for this, but ... " He paused, contemplating what to do next. " ... do you think I could ... " 

Kennedy got tired of waiting for him to kiss her, so she took matters into her own hands. Without warning, she grabbed ahold of his face ever so gently, and kissed him.

a/n - promise im not robbing u lol. hope u enjoyed this one lovessss ok wish me luck on this next chapter im gonna try something ... new

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