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KENNEDY HENDERSON HAD JUST MADE OUT WITH EDDIE MUNSON. Eddie "the freak" Munson. And that's not even the most confusing part - she voluntarily stopped making out with Eddie "the freak" Munson. Would it really have been that bad if it had just went a little further?

No, it would not have. But Kennedy didn't want Eddie to think she was easy. She was also terrified of finally giving it up, it meaning whatever was left of her virginity. 

Kennedy Henderson was an eighteen-year-old virgin. Although she didn't consider herself as such seeing as how she had repeatedly engaged in consensual sexual contact, that's what she was. 

Eddie Munson had more than his share of women. In fact, he'd had a lot of people's share of women. But none made him feel like Kennedy did. Most of the girls he brought over to his place were there for one thing - Kennedy wasn't. Eddie wanted so badly for what happened to have gone further, but he had to admit he was relieved when it didn't. For some reason, that seemed to prove to him that sex wasn't the only thing the Henderson girl wanted from him. On top of that, the two of them were so incredibly crossed that if anything more did happen, it wouldn't have been right. 

The two just looked at each other, almost in shock. Did that really just happen? Should it happen again? Thoughts like these were running through both of their minds as they sat and processed what they just did. But why was it such a big deal? Eddie did this almost all the time, and Kennedy used to do it quite often. So why did it feel like this?

Kennedy waited until the intoxication wore off to leave. Well, wore off enough for her to be able to drive without crashing. She wanted more than anything to be able to spend the night, but she didn't feel right about it. She felt awkward. The girl didn't know what else to do or say. 

"You know, uh," Eddie stammered, running his hand through his hair as Kennedy made her way to the door. "It's pretty late. You could, you know, maybe spend the night, or something, if you want." He looked like he genuinely didn't want her to go - and he really didn't. He wanted for the two of them to curl up together and fall asleep like they did on numerous occasions - but did what just happened ruin that?

Kennedy stood there and pondered for a minute before reluctantly agreeing. She didn't want to be a burden by spending the night there, but it really was late, and she was still noticeably buzzed. 

"Okay," she agreed. She walked back in through the door and plopped herself back down on the sofa. "You wanna smoke some more?" she suggested. Kennedy figured smoking more would make the situation less awkward.

"Why not?"

After they had smoked almost two whole bowls each, it was like nothing had happened between the two of them. They went back to laughing and teasing each other like they usually did, just generally having fun. 

They fell asleep around 1 in the morning on the couch, Kennedy's head on Eddie's shoulder while his arm was around her - just like always. Except, this time, Kennedy didn't have to worry about waking up and going home. This time, she would get the chance to spend a whole night like this, without a care in the world. And she knew that, with him, the nightmares meant nothing. And on top of that, she had smoked so much that she was sure she wouldn't get any nightmares, let alone dream anything at all.

The two woke up to Wayne staring at them, a cup of coffee in his hands. 

"Good morning, kiddos," the Munson uncle greeted, a smirk on his face.

"Jesus Christ," Eddie muttered, removing his arm from around the girl and rubbing his eyes.

"How'd you sleep?" Wayne asked, sipping on his coffee rather pretentiously.

"Fine," Eddie responded. Kennedy nodded in agreement.

"What time is it?" she asked. 

"About half past eleven," Wayne answered. The tension in the room was getting increasingly awkward and Kennedy wanted more than anything to leave.

"Shit," she muttered, "Dustin's gonna kill me."

"You gotta go?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah, probably. Thanks for, uh, letting me stay the night. Yeah, thanks. I'm just gonna go grab my guitar." 

"Anytime," Eddie replied with a smile. Kennedy grabbed her guitar and amp from Eddie's room.

"Bye, Kennedy!" Wayne called as she walked out the door. She heaved a sigh of relief the minute the door was closed, not wanting to spend another minute with Wayne staring at the two of them the way he was. He was a funny guy, and he absolutely loved making the girls Eddie had over uncomfortable. He loved making Eddie uncomfortable, too. 

a/n - no clue what this is. sorry it's so short lmao i lost motivation again oops. i wanna write a steve fic but idkkk help

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