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KENNEDY LEARNED THREE VERY IMPORTANT THINGS THAT NIGHT - Eddie loved chocolate milkshakes, he was an absolutely terrible driver while high, and she should always let Claudia know when she was going to be home late.

The girl and her new D&D-obsessed friend were out until past midnight, just driving around and talking. Kennedy didn't even realize how late it was until they got back to Eddie's trailer and she looked at the clock there. Shit, she thought. Mom's probably worried sick.

"Oh, shit," Kennedy muttered.

"What's up?"

"It's a quarter past twelve."

"Oh, shit." Eddie paused, not knowing what to do next. "You could, uh, you could spend the night here, if you want."

"Might have to take you up on that." Kennedy chuckled nervously. "Could I use your ph-" Shit. Eddie's phone wasn't working at the moment. Kennedy had no way to call her mother and let her know she was okay and spending the night at a friend's house. Eddie pursed his lips, contorting his face into an awkward smile. "Shit." Neither of them knew what to do, seeing as how it was only getting later and they had school tomorrow, and Kennedy needed to find a way to let her mother know she was alright.

Claudia had always feared Kennedy running away. When she first took the girl in, there were many, many times she'd lay awake at night in fear that the fourteen-year-old would take off and not return. For the longest time, all Claudia noticed apart from Kennedy's severe social anxiety was how closed-off she was and how suspicious she seemed of the woman and her son. It took almost a year for Kennedy to realize that the Hendersons were truly on her side and genuinely cared about her, unlike all the other placements in which she had lived. It was then that she decided to stay put, to not run. She never really knew what family felt like until she'd met them.

Kennedy knew about Claudia's concerns regarding the possibility of her running away - but it had been four years now, and she was almost certain that her mother wasn't worried about her running anymore. Then again, though, she wasn't the type to stay out this late without letting anyone know. Seeing as how she didn't have any way of letting Claudia know she was going to stay at a friend's house, Kennedy did what she thought was most logical - she decided to go home.

"I think I'm just gonna go home," Kennedy said. She could tell Eddie was disappointed, but he understood.

"Alright." Eddie gave her a smile - a genuine smile.

"I had fun tonight."

"Yeah, me too." The two said nothing and held eye contact for what seemed like ages until the boy snapped out of it. "We should do this again sometime, yeah?"

"Absolutely." And with that, she left.

Upon some deep contemplation and weird thought loops inside his brain, Eddie had come to the conclusion that the blonde-haired sister of one of his favorite freshmen was, in fact, his first crush. Now, Munson was nowhere near the type of guy to actually fall for a girl...or anyone, for that matter. He preferred his one-night stands and he knew what he wanted. More importantly, he knew what he did not want, and that was a goddamn relationship. His uncle always spoke of how overrated and unnecessary relationships were and how they always ended poorly, and for the majority of his life, Eddie wholeheartedly believed him.

But when Kennedy Henderson came into the picture, he started doubting all that. For once in his life, he cared about how someone else viewed him. He cared about what she thought of him. This feeling was new, it was unfamiliar—he didn't like it. He didn't like the fact that he practically melted at everything she said, at the way she looked at him; hell, the way she looked in general. She didn't know it, but she had him wrapped around her finger already.

Dustin Henderson did not appreciate when his big sister got close with his older guy friends - especially not after what happened with Steve. He'd been suspecting that something was going on between them, but when he walked in on them...

Dustin knew Kennedy had a crush on the Hellfire Club leader, but he didn't think anything would happen between the two of them. He didn't really like thinking about it; it grossed him out. That, and the fact that Munson was nearly two years older than the Henderson girl. Dustin wasn't even sure it would be legal if anything were to happen between them.

Kennedy crept back into the house around half past twelve. Claudia was fast asleep on the couch, and Dustin in his room. Kennedy walked over to where her mom was asleep and gently tapped on her shoulder. She wasn't going to let the poor woman sleep not knowing where she was and whether or not she was safe.

"Oh, Ken!" Claudia greeted warmly. "I was so worried about you."

"I know," Kennedy said solemnly, guilt washing over her. "I'm so sorry, I should have called." Although the lighting was dim and she couldn't see the woman's face very well, Kennedy knew Claudia was upset. She hated knowing she was the reason for that.

"Where were you? Are you okay?" Kennedy thought Claudia would've been more upset with her but was relieved to know she just wanted her to be safe.

"I was just-" Kennedy started, not sure if she should tell her mother she was with a boy. She decided not to. "I was with Robin. We lost track of time. And yes, I'm okay."

"Okay. Please call next time. I was worried sick."

"I will." Kennedy grabbed Claudia's hand. "I promise." She smiled at the woman in an attempt to ease her nerves. "I'm gonna go to bed now."

"Okay. Goodnight, sweetie."

For whatever reason, Kennedy was having a hard time falling asleep - harder than usual. Typically after she smoked, even when she was fully down from the high, she'd fall asleep instantly. But tonight was different; there was a strange tension in the air, a tension she hadn't felt since last summer. More specifically, right before things regarding the Upside Down started happening. Her gut instinct was more often than not strangely accurate, but for now, she decided to ignore it. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that was creeping over her. This was a lot stronger than anything like this she had ever felt before. Something big was going to happen, and it was going to happen soon - whether Kennedy admitted it to herself or not.

a/n - i have no clue what this was im so sorry. N E WAYSS i just read something about jcb having a girlfriend and now im sad. also next chapter will be better i promise xoxo

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