Sasuke roughly thrusted his 11 inch in naruto. Naruto yelled out in pain. Even though sasuke said no noise he couldnt help it. Sasuke didnr prep or lubricate. It hurt like hell down there. Sasuke without warning started thrusting in and out fast.
Tears was running down narutos face. He was regretting agreeing to this. Sasuke went harder and faster. Sasuke put his hands over narutos mouth so he couldnt make a noise. That lasted for hours until sasuke felt finished. Each round he released his sperm inside of naruto.
Sasuke got dressed after he was done and slapped narutos ass. He looked at his master piece. Narutos whole body was covered in marks. His ankles and top body was covered in bite marks. Hickeys on his thighs and neck. Bruises on his arms and neck. Sasuke went rough he choked naruto and punched him during sex.
Sasuke felt naruto crying on that bed. Naruto regretted everything. His no longer virgin body was aching everywhere. He couldnt move. He cried himself to sleep.
Morning came and he was still sore. But was able to move his slowly got up and put on his clothes then picked up his money. He didnt even know the guy he slept with. It was dark to see his face and he left no contact information.
Naruto called his brother to come pick him up. He knew he would have to tell his brother and face his anger. When kurama came he saw the state his brother was in and got angry. This wasnt the first time hes come home with markings but this time was different he was covered heat to toe in marks.
When naruto got in kuramas car he cried. Kurama hugged him. "Who did that to you?" Kurama asked. Naruto just cried harder into kuramas arms. After a while of comforting naruto looked into kuramas eyes. "I sold my virginity for 15,000 dollars and the client was rough." Naruto stated.
Kurama was shocked why would his brother do such a stupid thing. He was only 15 for fucks sake. How could he let somebody take advantage of him. How old was this other person. Questions like those swarmed kuramas head. "Kurama are you mad at me?" Naruto asked him.
"Kit i am disappointed" That was all kurama said before he drove naruto home in complete silence. Naruto went inside his apartment. Kurama left him. He was too angry to even stay with him. Naruto took a shower and fell asleep.

the strippers kids
Fanfictionnaruto uzumaki is a 15 year old stripper. His parents was famous for many things but when they died they left their life insurance only for when him and kurama turn 18. kurama left naruto when he was 14 to study abroad for college to manage the fami...