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Sasuke finally made it to kuramas house. Immediately kurama ran out the house and yelled at Sasuke. "Get your ass off my property." Kurama yelled. Sasuke got out the car to try to talk to him.

"Please ju-." Before Sasuke could finish the sentence kurama punched him in the face. "I told you that if I ever saw you again I would kill you." Kurama said punching Sasuke again. Iruka and kakashi happened to also be there, so pulled kurama off Sasuke.

"Dammit I'm letting you see the kids." Sasuke told kurama. Kurama laughed. "Your letting me see the kids.. I don't need your permission to see my brothers kids." Kurama said as he pushed Sasuke on the floor.

"Kurama stop your going to scare the kids." Iruka said. Kurama looked at the car and saw Karin sitting in the passenger seat scared. Kurama snorted. "You asshole you even brought your wife here." Kurama was to angry to think. Kurama got out of irukas and kakashis grips and kicked Sasuke.

"While your fucking a slut, my brother is somewhere alone and suffering. He cut all contact with us and last time he did that the almost died. If my brother dies I'll kill you too." Kurama said as he punched sasukes bloody face. Kurama got off Sasuke and wiped his bloody hands.

He went to the car and dragged Karin out by her hair. "You too little slut. If I loose my brother I'll kill you." He yelled before throwing her on the floor. Karin cried in pain. Kurama took the kids out the car seat and let them run free.

"Uncle kumy! Megumi yelled. She ran to him and hugged his leg. "Mommy?" Menma said looking around. Kakashi carried him. "I'm sorry buddy but Naruto isn't here." Kakashi said. Menma looked like we was about to cry. His eyes got teary and his cheeks got chubby.

"M-mommy leave us?" Menma asked crying. He couldn't hold it in. "No hell be here soon." Iruka told him. Menma nodded his head and kicked his feet to be let down. Kakashi let him down.

Menma ran to Karin on the floor and kicked her. "Bad mommy. Mommy no hurt us." Menma said as he continued to kick her. "What do you mean Menma has she hit you?" Kurama asked annoyed. Megumi nodded her head on kuramas leg.

"Take the kids inside while I talk to them." Kurama said. They all knew he wasn't just going to talk to them. Iruka and kakashi took the kids inside the house while kurama beat Karin.

"You took my brothers kids away because he wasn't fit to be a parent then abuse them." Kurama shouted. Kurama couldn't control his anger. Just when he finally worked things out for him and Naruto. This asshole had to ruin it.

"I want you and that slut off my property, I'll be watching the kids and those other kids on the way I will get them." Kurama said. He grabbed the hem of sasukes shirt and dragged him into his car. Sasuke wanted to stay with the kids but knew this was for the better if he left.

Sasuke and Karin left. Kurama went back into his house and cleaned his hands off. He changed his shirt and hugged his niece and nephew. "How about we go to my work." Kurama told them. They nodded excitedly.

Kurama got ready for them to go the company. The surprise he wanted to give his brother but he's not here and nobody knows where he is at. Iruka changed the kids diaper. "After me and kakashi will take them. They are turning 4 soon and still aren't potty trained." Iruka said.

"Okay let's go." Kurama said. They all went into his car. Kurama drove them to a big company. There was gates surrounding the place. The security guards was there to check kuramas id. "I will show you my office." Kurama said as they all got out the car.

Kurama and kakashi carried the twins who layed their heads on their shoulder. Kurama walked into the company and was instantly greater by the workers. "Wait you own this company?" Iruka asked.

"Yes our parent left it to us when they died. I just had to fix a couple of things before Naruto could know about it."  Kurama told them. "So your telling me you had the money to support Naruto but you didn't give it to him." Iruka asks more annoyed this time.

"Yes, I wanted to help him out but he needs to grow up and be a better man. I just didn't think he'd sell his body to do that." Kurama said. He put Megumi on the couch in his office to sleep. Kakashi did the same with Menma. "I am trying to find my brother and help him work here. We both have 40 percent shares in this company." Kurama told them.

"That means Naruto wouldn't need any other job. He has the money to support his whole family, but you kept it from him." Kakashi said. Kurama knew he was wrong for putting Naruto through all that especially when it wasn't needed but when he got the company it wasn't in the right place and Naruto didn't need to be involved in something like that.

"Our only job now it to find where Naruto is. I heard a rumor that Danzo put out a hit list on Naruto. My brother isn't safe alone and pregnant." Kurama told them they all nodded and went to find Naruto.

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