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Morning came and everybody was up. Sasuke slept in because waking up every three hours to feed, change and hold the twins was draining out of him. The others was eating breakfast. The twins was told that they have more baby siblings and they couldn't wait to meet them.

Sai and Yamato was able to get into danzos underlings texts and chats and got several ideas of where Naruto could be. They gotten a lot of evidence that some judges was corrupted and would get them in jail after naruto was freed and safe.

Sasuke woke up at 1 in the afternoon. He gave the twins a bath and put them both in a cute onesie and pants. He carried them to the living room and put them on the couch. Menma and Megumi ran to Sasuke and hugged him. They stared at the small babies. The babies stared back.

It was a mini staring contest. Sasuke went to go make himself some coffee. "We was able to get some ideas of where he would be." Sai told them. Sasuke looked at the computer. There was 5 different places that naruto could be. "We will go to 2 places each day, also I will be contacting my friend neji. He helped Naruto before." Sasuke said.

They all nodded In agreement. They would use this day to get ready for battle and wait for neji to get here. "Menma, Megumi would you like to live with both mommy and daddy or just mommy?" Kurama asked. He would do what was best by his brothers offspring. "Mommy!" Megumi shouted. They looked at kurama then looked around for naruto.

Their eyes filled with tears, glassy they got. They started crying. They had forgotten that naruto wasn't with them when they was having a good time. But reality hit them straight on. The babies eyes also got glassy. Their little arms reached up and around looking for Naruto to carry them but it never came.

Both sets of twins cried for their mother. Everybody's heart broke into pieces watching their sobs that Sasuke would trade anything for even his own life to never here again. "I'm sorry I'm sorry but don't worry Naruto will be here I promise you." Sasuke hugged his 4 year old twins. While iruka and deidera carried the newborn babies. It was their first time holding them.

"So small!" Iruka quietly yelled. He carried the raven haired twin with one hand. "Wasn't Naruto supposed to give birth next month?" Itachi asked. He was the only one who remembered Naruto's due date. It was a half of a month before the first set of twins came. Sasuke eyes widened. His children was was before due. "When did he give birth?" Sasuke yelled.

"About 2 weeks ago. I found him all bloody running away in a hospital gown." Yamato shared. "When we went to the hospital to retrieve the boys he passed out from opening his stitches. I found out that he was forced to have an emergency c-section because he tried to kill himself. He ran away when they told him his kids was going to be taken, and he was going to have to go to the mental ward." Yamato was telling them the story of how they met.

"When I housed him, I gotten a message about him. Saying to bring him to Danzo. He had his corrupted judges to get him community service because there was no evidence other than his word. That when we decided to come here." Yamato ended.

"Asshole." Was all Sasuke could muster out. His blood boiled. That would be the second time Naruto almost killed his kids. The first they all barely managed to survive. "What did you call my brother?"   Kurama angrily asked Sasuke.

"I called him an asshole. He almost killed my kids twice." Sasuke told them. He wasn't afraid anymore. He was afraid but his anger boosted his confidence and he was able to stand up to kurama. A knock was on the door. Iruka went to answer the door. Neji and his team walked inside.

"Sasuke! Nice to see you again. And in the same circumstance like last time." Neji said. The nostalgia in that sentence hit everybody. "Neji so funny. But I need you to help find Naruto." Sasuke said holding kasuke. Neji eyes widened.

"Whose this little fellow?" Neji partner ten ten asked. Already trying to hold the baby. "My son." Sasuke looked at Yamato and sai to ask for their names. "The one with raven hair is nasuke, blond hair is kasuke." Sai said feeding kasuke.

"Since when did you have more kids then the twins?" Neji asked, he took off his shoes and went to sit in the living room with everybody. "Mommy and daddy had brother!" Megumi yelled. Neji nodded and looked at Sasuke.

Sasuke gave a small nod and focused on the kids there. "Wow he can really have kids." Neji now seeing the tiny creatures infront of him, now believes that naruto can have children. "Yeah it's amazing." Sasuke said.

"So since we have everybody let's go get my brother."  Kurama told them. Nobody moved but they all looked at him. "We can't move just yet, we have the kids and we also have to decide where to go." Neji replied. Kurama face visibly got angry.

He stomped out the house. "We should hurry the process up." Itachi looked at Sasuke. "If I was in kuramas position I would be mad too." Itachi smiled after saying that. "Okay I get it but we can't just leave. Tomorrow we can go." Sasuke said.

"Daddy I'm hungry." Megumi said. She walked over to Sasuke and sat in his lap. "Megumi careful of the baby. And we'll go eat." Sasuke whispered. The baby just went to sleep. Sasuke took the kids out to play and eat. He wanted to spend time with them before the big mission tomorrow there was no guarantee to come back alive.

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