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Neji was in bed with his girlfriend ten-ten when he got a call of a break in case. His family deals with domestic abuse cases and kid napping cases. He got dressed and went to the house. It was early in the morning so he wanted to get this done fast.

The saw a group of people being questioned by the police. That must be the family he said in his head and made his way to them. "Hello my name is neji hyuga I will be in-charge of the case." He told them.

"Can you tell me anybody who'd want to do this?" He asked them. They all thought about that who would want to beat and rape Naruto. "I'm sorry I can't, everybody loved my brother." Kurama told neji. Neji sighed that was going to make this a lot harder.

Neji was about to ask more questions when his phone rang. "Hello?" Neji answered. "Neji, I have the guy in the hospital we are doing a rape kit." Neji felt disgusted he wasn't told the details of this case but for them to need a rape kit it must be bad.

"Okay get all evidence of who did this." Neji told them. "I will check the house for any evidence, you are free to go." Iruka nodded at his words. He looked at Megumi sleeping in his arms and held her tighter. Neji left and walked him the house.

Kurama didn't waste time, he jumped in his car. Iruka and kakashi put Megumi in the car seat, then got in the car. Kurama slammed on the gas petal and rushed to the hospital. They ran inside when they got there.

"Where is the blonde boy that came here with the little baby?" Kurama practically yelled. The nurse was frightened. She checked on her computer. "Oh the blonde is doing the rape kit and the kid is in surgery." She told them. Kurama felt a sense of relief.

"You can sit in the lobby and it'll tell you when they are both ready to be seen." The nurse told them. They all nodded and went to the lobby. As they sat down Megumi started crying. She was awoken by the lights. Iruka tried to put her back to sleep but she was up.

They waited in the lobby for a long time it seemed. Megumi was roaming the hospital being a little toddler. Neji came and sat with them waiting for Naruto to be out of surgery and in a room. Eventually they was called to see them.

They walked in the room and saw Naruto sleeping wrapped in casts. Menma was next to him on his bed. He too was in bandages. Megumi looked at Naruto and started crying. Her mother and brother was hurt.

Neji looked at the baby. Wow that little girl looks familiar. Neji thought. He just couldn't think of who that baby looked like. He stared at the child thinking about who she reminded him of but nobody came to mind."

It was lunch time so they all ordered food to eat. They had pizza with topping of olives, jalapeños, and sausage. They was all in the middle of eating when Naruto woke up. "W-where is Menma." Naruto said looking around. He didn't care about where, or how he was but if Menma was okay.

"Shh Naruto he is safe still sleeping in the next bed." Kakashi said. Naruto looked at Menma sleeping and smiled he was happy that he was safe. Neji walked to Naruto's bed and pulled out his notepad and pen.

"Mr. Naruto can you tell me who did this?" Neji asked. Naruto started crying and shaking. "My former boss." Was all Naruto said and lowered his head in shame. "Can you please elaborate?" Neji told him. Naruto nodded.

"My old job was working at the strip club. I quit when I had my kids. But my boss he liked me so didn't let me. L-last night I got a call from him and he came in the house." Naruto told them crying. He was in a lot of pain mentally and physically.

"That sack of shit." Kurama yelled he was mad. A nurse came in with the results. "We have the rape kit results, and more interesting results." The nurse said. She gave neji the envelope with the rape kit results. Neji looked at it and paled.

"There is more than 7 different people on here." He yelled. The nurse nodded her head. "It wasn't just one person who raped him." Naruto looked down and cried more. He didn't need his brother, his teacher that felt like family or his kids to know how dirty he is. "We'll we was able to get dna off them and we will arrest all of them." Neji said.

"Next thing is the medical results. Naruto is fine just a few broken bones. But the child has a rare sickness." The nurse told them looking at her clip board. Naruto felt his world shatter. What was that nurse talking about? Rand through-out his head.

"It's a genetically passed down illness I've only heard of that one family has." The nurse said. Naruto looked at Menma he was too young to be put through all of that. "What can I do to help?" Naruto asked he would do anything to help his son.

"I have no idea when the other person that got sick came here his family did private treatment to help him. You'll have to ask that family." The nurse said. Naruto's eyes widened. That means he got this illness from his fathers side.

But he didn't know who his father was nor did he want to. Naruto felt so used and disgusted with himself. But his son is sick. "Is there any change he can survive without seeing the other family?" Naruto asked but the nurse shook her head.

"I've never dealt with this kind of illness neither has anybody here. He won't make it. Take him to the family." The nurse told Naruto. Naruto nodded. "Um do you know who that family is?" He shyly asked he didn't know who to ask for help. The nurse eyes widened, "what do you mean the uchihas." Everybody in that room was shocked by what she said.

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