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Naruto told his school about him going online. When he starts showing more he will be leaving. Today is also the day he would be quitting his job. Naruto.and kurama have been looking at foster families and adoption agencies.

Kurama found a family who would pay for narutos hospital bills and troubles if they have the babies right after they are born. Kurama accepted them without naruto permission. Which made Naruto mad.

Naruto was 4 months pregnant. He stopped talking to kurama after that. They havent talked in 2 weeks so far. Naruto pulled himself out of his mind terrance and got ready for work. Today was his last day. He got dressed and put on his outfit.

Naruto was working as a server. He couldnt dance. It wasnt a busy day so he was grateful about that. It was time to go. He and his friends gaara and sakura hung out. Gaara came to club per narutos request. Naruto and them celebrated their time together.

After naruto went to the bosses private room. He went inside. "I am quitting." He told him. His boss was not happy, Naruto was his best client and the person he had the crush on. As Naruto was walking out the room his boss grabbed his arm and pushed him on the desk. Naruto winced in pain and fear.

Naruto saw dominance and hunger in his bosses eyes. He was scared. "Please let me go." He ask his voice broke. His boss claimed on-top of him and started kissing his neck. Naruto cried at the touch he hated it. "Let me go, get off of me he whined." But his boss didn't get off.

His boss stared biting Naruto leaving hickeys and bite marks, then he started stripping Naruto. Naruto cried he wasn't ready for anybody to touch him yet. Naruto closed his eyes and wished in his head for it all be to over.

Sakura and gaara was wondering where Naruto was, he said he was going to talk to the boss about quoting but never came back. That was 3 hours ago. "Should one of us go check on him or where do you think he went?" Sakura asked gaara. Gaara looked at her and thought for a moment.

"Yeah let's go look for him around the building then we can go to the boss, you know he hates when people go to him while he's talking to others." Sakura nodded at gaaras words and they went on to look for Naruto. It was 30 minutes and the search everywhere, they just needed to check the bosses room.

When they arrived at the door they heard silent, muffled crying and groans. "Do you think they are fucking in there?" Sakura fan girly told gaara. No Naruto was pregnant remember there is no way, and still he hates our boss something isn't right." Gaara said that and broke the door and walked inside.

Naruto was on the desk Naruto his whole body bruised, bitten, and marked the boss on top of him holding his mouth so he couldn't scream. Gaara almost threw up. The boss looked up and got mad but he still didn't pull out of Naruto. "Did I give you permission to come in here like that?" The boss voice rang through everybody head. Naruto was scared he felt used, and violated again.

Sakura ran out the room scared of what would happen to her. While gaara stayed but was to frozen in shock to help Naruto. The boss payed him no mind and continued thrusting hard and fast into Naruto. Gaara heard each movement and sounds. The crying from Naruto and the groans of pleasure from the boss. The slapping noice it made every time he thrusted inside.

Another hour went by before he finally came inside Naruto and got off him. Naruto was passed out he passed out from pain 20 minutes ago. Gaara forced himself out of his putty to help Naruto. He carried him inside his car, and drove him home. Naruto would need a lot of help with that but he wouldn't force him to get it.

Gaara arrived at his house and searched for his keys when he found it he went inside and later Naruto on his bed. He made him some soup to eat when he wakes up. Then left he wouldn't stay. Gaara was feeling loads of guilt about everything, he was useless he couldn't help Naruto he just watched him get raped.

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