naruto uzumaki is a 15 year old stripper. His parents was famous for many things but when they died they left their life insurance only for when him and kurama turn 18. kurama left naruto when he was 14 to study abroad for college to manage the fami...
Naruto woke up from his alarm. Sasuke woke up too. They both packed for the trip then got the baby bag ready. Naruto then put a pacifier in the babies mouth so they didn't cry.
Sasuke and Naruto carried them to the car and into the car seat. They used the car seat itachi had. Since he had extra. They said goodbye to the family and drove to the airport.
They was able to rent a stroller so put the sleeping kids in the stroller. Naruto would push's the stroller while Sasuke got the suitcases. Since they had so many suitcases Sasuke got a luggage cart to help push.
They walked in the airport. It was a little crowded. Naruto looked at the twins to make sure they was comfortable. They went through security it was a drag but they did. Then after they went to the station their plane to america was in.
"So for breakfast let's have pancakes?" Sasuke said pointing to a pancake shop. "No it's 4 in the morning. Sasuke chuckled and went to a boba shop. He ordered a green tea boba for Naruto then a milk tea boba for him. He and Naruto drank the boba waiting to be called onto the airplane.
"Okay plane fly 107 is now boarding. First class please come line up." Naruto put the drinks in the cup holder the stroller had. Sasuke was free handed because their luggage went to the luggage area. They walked to the line and was first so was able to get on the plane.
They found their spot. It was nice. It was a mini room with 2 bed like chairs. The window to look out of. They had to think about how to fit them all in there. The kids could have the window seat and him and Sasuke share the other seat.
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"Relax I'll get Menma you get Megumi." Sasuke said. Naruto nodded they carried the twins out the stroller and put them on the seat. Naruto smiled and put the stroller on the top holder he and Sasuke got in their room and closed the door.
Naruto checked Megumi diaper. He didn't see anything so checked menmas. They both had clean diapers. Naruto layed Megumi is a comfortable position on him and patted her back.
"I'm sorry." Sasuke said. Naruto was caught off guard. He always thought about Sasuke as somebody who never apologized. "I should have never brought Danzo there and played that video." Sasuke said.
Naruto smiled. "It's okay. Let's just try to get along for the kids?" Naruto asked and Sasuke nodded in agreement. They soon hear the pilot telling them about take off.
They have been in the air for 5 hours. Menma and Megumi have been crying often so Naruto and Sasuke has been stressed. Every time Naruto picked one of them up to calm them down they would kick their feet to be let down.
Naruto and sasuke are exhausted. "I'm going to change their diaper then go get some food." Naruto said. Sasuke gave a small nod he was falling asleep. Naruto let the kids run along through the plane.
Naruto changed their diaper then went to the plane store. He bought everything the kids wanted since he had sasukes card. After he went back to his station. He climbed in the seat with Sasuke and kissed him. The kids sat in Naruto's seat eating at watching tv.
It was a total of 13 hours to get to California. They was all tired. The kids was sleeping off their jet lag. "Let's find a hotel and sleep I am tired." Sasuke said. Naruto nodded and called for an Uber.
They drove to a nice hotel and rested. Naruto and Sasuke fell asleep cuddling again. It was like a natural thing for them. Even though they hated each other their bodies wanted the others.
After a long week of staying in the hotel sleeping Naruto and Sasuke finally was able to get better and do many more things. "So I am feeling better I have to call granny and my brother to see what classes I have." Naruto said. Sasuke said okay and went to take a shower.
Naruto called tsunade and was able to get all his class information. His classes was all on a good time frame. That gave Naruto time to spend with the kids. Naruto was studying business management just like Sasuke but his would be much easier and faster.
"So Naruto I know we aren't together and we don't like each other but I want to be more not just for the kids but us too." Sasuke told Naruto while holding his hands. Naruto looked at Sasuke. Naruto started crying the pain Sasuke has put him through was too much.
"I just can't I'm sorry. My body wants you but you hurt me. I can't forgive you for what you did." Naruto gave Sasuke his answer as he let go of sasukes hand. Sasuke was angered at himself. Why was he so mad that naruto rejected him?
Sasuke himself was confused as to why his body wanted naruto. Why he felt so guilty when he saw naruto cry. And why he loved being near naruto. They was both confused.