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POV: Terr

I nearly ran to my room, pausing for a second at the door. My bed was smaller. But the bunny hutch next to it was massive and beautiful, a large pen with tight knitted grass flooring, food and water bowls, so SO many toys. Setting Luci, the little bunny, into the pen I plopped onto my knees and watched her explore.

Soon after someone sat next to me. Tony? He has a weirdly... Sweet smile on his face as he watched luci.

"So whats its name?"

"Her name is lucifer. Luci for short." He let out a soft snort but nodded, the munching from luci and Tony's breath slowly made me more and more tired. Eventually I just gave in and leant onto tony's shoulder, closing my eyes for a bit. I wasnt expecting him to be so warm.

The tension in my body slowly left as I just melted into the calmness of the room.

Some time passes and I am juuust on the verge of falling asleep when tony moved. I quickly let out an annoyed groan. He was comfy. But as I was about to properly sit back up or stand, hadn't decided yet, he somehow picked me up. A squeak quickly left my lips, wasnt expecting him to be that strong!

He moved us both to the bed, carefully laying me down then laying down himself. Clearly he was tired too.

"Is this okay?" His voice was strangely gently. It was... Nice.

Instead of nodding or talking I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his arm so I was facing the very nice glow of his reactor. Calmness again washed over me as he pulled one of the blankets over us both, placing his free hand on my hip. His heart was strong and rythmic, lulling me into a sense of security as I laid with my eyes closed. It was odd feeling like this. But very nice.

I never realized blankets can be so warm.

Nor that people could be this kind. It was a nice change of pace.


Some time later a loud alarm disturbed my rest. Tony carefully but quickly got up, running out the door. Luci was huddled up in her hut so I closed its door and followed after tony. It wasn't a fire alarm, that much I knew.

Loud bangs and noises drew my attention, unease flooding my gut as I sped up, ignoring my head feeling lighter. Entering the living room I came to a very odd sight to me anyway.

The team completely suiting up, tho some a little slower. Never thought cap would have pecs that big-

Shaking my head I looked around, gently grabbing natasha's arm.

"Whats going on?"

"Apparently your old group teamed up with the Golemns and are making a mess downtown. Stay here." Her voice was sharp and demanding but I barely heard them.

My group teamed up with WHO?! Those bastards- I shrugged away the lightning trying to crack along my skin, whirling around to head back to my room. Just as I was gonna enter a cold hand grabbed my shoulder.

"And where are you going?" Loki hissed. I looked down as his hand, static shocking him off me.

"Old business. Either you get out of my way or get me there before they do." I snarled, turning back to my room. A deep sigh spilled from him as his magic formed his outfit. Digging through my duffle bag I soon felt the two cold metal objects. Snapping them on I shocked them both, my old outfit quickly forming. Loose steel knit pants, my weapon belts, combat boots, steel knit cropped sweater, and steel knit under tanktop.

Heavy, yes. Very. But it did its job well.

Turning to Loki he grabbed my hand. It felt like my stomach dropped to my feet as my vision went black. Ugh I hate that feeling. Not something I could get used to. Still felt sick even when I hit the ground. Erg.

Looking up from the ground I quickly met eyes with Kiara. Next to her, the fucker ive been trying to kill for years, Nicholas. Leader of the golemns.

Then my eyes caught it, matching marks on their stomach. Kiara visibly paled, anger filling my veins as I grabbed my gun.

"You son of a BITCH!" Nick yelled, turning and slapping Kiara. Oh HELL no. Lightning crackled along my skin, my suit amplified it ten fold. Lets see if I still got it. Kicking off I shot forward, slightly unbalanced but I quickly got back into step. Good, still got that bit down.

Almost in a flash I appeared behind nick, my gun to his head as I grabbed Kiara by the throat. His anger immediately turned to fear. Yeah, he hasnt seen that one before.

"B-boss?!" Kiara squeaked. Tightening my grip she quickly shut up. As I fondled the trigger the gunfire around us all slowed to a stand still. I felt 3/4th of the guns on me but all the eyes trained on the gun. A weird feeling for sure.

"I let you live. I let you run your little thing in my turf. I allow you to bend the rules. And you hit not only your soulmate, but my closest friend. Yknow. I'm all for second chances." I softly lowered the gun so I can meet his eyes. As he slowly reached for his gun I quickly raised mine again and shot him between the eyes. Kiara screamed, cutting into my arm as she tried to get to his corpse.

Its still weird seeing them sitting up like that. I simply just kicked him over, satisfied at the thump. I turned her her, her face contorted in anger as she clawed and kicked, desperate to get out of my grip. Reminded me of a cat. The familiar sound of iron man's suit slowly came into my ears but I didnt care. Lowering her back to the ground she gasped for air. But I kept her throat in my hand. Slipping my gun back into my belt I felt a familiar sensation in my head.

'The team is gonna be here really soon, think you could hurry it up???'

'.... Fine. Just keep the others off me for a bit longer Loki.'

Annoyances. She held so much anger... My heart slowly cracked at her tears. I'm gonna regret this.

"I kno you're the one who turned me in. And just know, I hold no grudges with you. But I cant have you doing this anymore." I whispered, letting her throat go. She immediately grabbed her knife as I pulled her into a hug. I felt the metal sink into my thigh as her body went limp. After all, all it takes is a little too much electricity to seperate the spinal cord. Both my body and m heart hurt at her gasp. It doesnt hurt but its a weird sensation loosing all feeling from the face down. I craddled her as we both slipped to the ground.

Another member of my group ran up, anger covering their face even as I handed Kiara to them. They both took off before tony landed, the other members of both my group and the golemns were fighting now, continuing their distruction.

I kinda just laid on the floor for a bit, pain and blood covering my leg as I just watched the sky for a bit. It took everyone a bit to notice me, Clint being the first unsurprisingly. He was at least quick to run over.

"WHAT THE HEL- WHAT THE FUCK?!" He's loud. I could ALMOST feel him shaking his head as he ran over and scrambled to get to my side.

"How the- are you okay- shit what am I saying you got STABBED of course you arent- um guys- Terr is uh- kinda in need of medical support over h- I DONT KNOW HOW SHE GOT HERE EI-" For a deaf guy he talks a lot. Rolling my eyes I put a hand on his mouth and dragged myself into a bit of a better seating position.

"Magic. And I got rid of the big boys you woulda needed to worry about it all." I grunted. Yeah I may have been a little OP with that entire situation but to be entirely honest, its draining. Consentrating my abilities to seperate the spinal cord without killing, to speed myself up, all of it is incredibly taxing. It physically takes away fat stores from my body and those were already running thin. Ha imna need to eat a lot when I get back.

Groaning as my head began spinning I closed my eyes, letting my hand dropped I rested my head on clint's shoulder. The knife was uncomfotable as fuck but I had to leave it in. Thankfully it wasn't one of her daggers.

Anyways I know that the gang doesnt seem avengers level and all. But they're both mostly mutants. Dangerous ones. They destroyed most of this block and severely injured the others. The only reason I wasnt attacked was due to surprise and the shock value.

Ha I'm tired...
M just gonna.
Take a nap.

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