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Jacob slammed his elbow into my nose. The thump and following crack sounded around the courtyard, tears flooding my eyes as I grit my teeth. I looked down at him and grabbed the arm he had outstretched, kicking his stomach. He dropped and I smirked, blood trickling onto the ground. Tightening my grip I giggled, grabbing his head and slamming his head into my knee. His eyes rolled back and I giggled, slamming my knee into his head again before I stood back.

Jacob fell to the floor, blood seeping from his nose and mouth. One of his little buddies running to him as I looked around.

"ANYONE ELSE?!" I roared, seeing everyone look at the ground. The guards ran out and grabbed my arms, cuffing me as I let out a laugh, licking the blood off my lips as I was forced to the infimory. Everyone moved as I was shoved down the hall, a growl rumbling in my throat as I started to properly walk.

I was forced to sit down as the nurse started patching me up, blood soaking  the front of my shirt. The pain started flooding my face, every breath making me want to wince. The nurse huffed and started to set my nose, resting on my elbows to clot the blood whenever she was away. She stuck a stick up my nose and realigned the bone, a scream quick to pass my throat as the pain blocked my vision for a bit.

Everything went black and next thing I know I was in my cell. Still couldn't breath through my nose and it still hurt like a bitch but mostly was a dull ring now. Jacob is gonna pay for that.

Grunting I sat up, looking towards the door. Guards??

I stuck out my tongue and waited. Just to see who they would grab. Probably Kate, she's been here long enough. Her sentence should be up soon.

But nope, they skipped over Kate and headed right for mine. What?

"Hands on the wall, don't move." I huffed but obeyed, putting my hands against the wall and waiting. I was cuffed and pulled out, the guards leading me to the visitation center.

Odd? My family is dead. No one should be visiting me?

Whatever. They pushed me along and forced me to sit in front of a vaguely familiar dude. I think he was the one who put me in this joint, got old tho. And I don't remember that eyepatch I think it's new.

"It's been a while Mas Terr. Or do you prefer Terr?"

"Terr. Mas Terr is when I'm out on the job." I snickered, rolling my eyes as I sat back. He placed a folder in front of me and the name immediately pissed me off. The Avengers Initiative. This is the second time he's tried this shit.

"Really? Haven't we been through th-"

"There's been a new development. You don't have a choice Terr. That folder is telling you all that you will be able to do, you'll be packed up and on the helicopter in four hours. So I suggest you hurry up and start reading." He smirked, an almost amused look flashing over his face as I glared at the folder. I sighed and snatched it, opening it and glancing at the rules.

There's the obvious, no killing, no running, no leaving without a class 7+ personale at my side, etc etc.


Skipping down to the description I skimmed it over. I'll be staying with the Avengers, assessed for my abilities and possible joining, trained, and housed.

That's when I noticed something in bold.

-test for seven petalled soul mark

How did they...?

No, no they can't be! I growled and tossed the folder aside.

"Fine, but no one is searching anywhere on my body." I snarled, he sighed but nodded. He lifted a hand and my original bag was brought, all my things were still here? Damn. I grumbled but grabbed em, a slight pain in my nose making me slow down as I picked up the bag and looked in it.

My eyes met with a shimmering necklace, good, it's still here. I closed up the bag and waited the rest of the time until the man finally brought me outside.

I was moved into a helicopter, my wrists and ankles chained. A temporary mask on my face so my nose wouldn't get worse with a muzzle. I grunted and sat down, grabbing the necklace and gripping it tight as guards and the man got ready for take off.

Well, at least I'm leaving....

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