Forgiveness (Kinda gay ngl)

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Ever since magic came back, everypony had basically put the sprout "drama" in the past and moved on to other things. But Hitch couldn't stop thinking about him and if he was ok or not.

His mind was full of thoughts of how hard Sprouts life must be now because of his new reputation of basically trying to control the entire town.

But Hitch knew it wasn't fully Sprouts' fault. They had all been brainwashed from the beginning and his mom was the one who did it. He wondered if it had come from some trauma that happened in his childhood, where he now craves validation from people above him.

Hitch did have a plan, he was going to go visit Sprout and see how he was doing after everything.

He walked down the maretime bay streets, and turned walking to Sprout and Phyllis's house.

He knocked on the door 2 times before Phyllis came and opened the door.

"Hello Hitch, What are you doing here this time of night?" Phyllis asked.

"Erm, I just uh wanted to talk to Sprout.." Hitch basically stuttered out.

"Oh- Well I doubt that he will want to talk though, he hasn't been speaking to hardly anyone.."

"Yea i know i just wanna talk to him about some stuff.."
Hitch said awkwardly, looking at Mrs. Cloverleaf.

Phyllis Smiled, Shaking her head in understanding and opened the door for Hitch to walk in.

Hitch walked in and down the hallway to Sprout's room and knocked on the door.

Sprout opened the door. "Mom i sa-" he paused, looking at Hitch in surprise. "Hitch?.."

Hitch looked at him and smiled. "Hey can we uh- Talk?.."

Sprout shook his head and moved so Hitch could walk in, and then shut the door back.

"So what is it that you wanna talk about?.." Sprout asked in confusion.

"I wanted to ask if you were ok.. you haven't been in town in awhile" Hitch said looking into Sprout's green eyes.

Sprout dropped his eye contact and sat down on the edge of his bed. "I'm fine.."

"You don't seem fine..."

"I'm fine, I promise I'm just.. trying to process everything." Sprout said looking down at the floor.

Hitch Sighed, "Alright.. but I came here to ask about some other stuff to-"

"What stuff?" Sprout asked, Perking up a little.

Hitch Crossed his arms. "Well I've been thinking of letting you be Deputy again"

Sprout looked surprised, "Why..? I ruined everything.."

Hitch looked down in embarrassment, "well uh.. I miss you-"

Sprout Blushed but immediately hid it by turning his head. "You missed me..?"

Hitch Smiled, "Yeah.. i did.. and i've also been um having some thoughts for awhile and i just wanted to bring it up now so i don't have to do it later..."

"What type of thoughts..?" Sprout said turning his head to look at Hitch.

"I...Have a crush on you.." Hitch instantly hid his face in embarrassment.

Sprout was shocked, Flabbergasted even. He hid his face, also trying to take in the information that he has just received. He tried to pinch himself but it didn't work. It was 100% Real.

Hitch Walked over to Sprout and sat beside him.
"I should have told you sooner.."

Sprout hesitated but turned and looked at him.
"Nonono.. it's alright.." He said smiling.

"The funny thing is that uh- i have had one on you too.."
Sprout stuttered out, having a small gay panic in his head. "But I didn't tell you, cause I thought you hated me..."

Hitch looked at Sprout, "I would never hate you.."

"I know... but I was just scared and stuff.."

"It's alright I completely understand... I mean I was scared to tell you to" Hitch said Smiling.

Sprout smiled back at him. "So.. what now?, that we both uh kinda like each other?.."

"Well I was thinking... This-" Hitch said before leaning in and kissing Sprout on the lips.

The kiss lasted for a couple seconds, it basically became a make out session on complete accident.

Before one of them could pull away, Phyllis had opened the door and saw them.


Hehehehe gay

So i hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was kinda all over the place but idc🤡

See you next chapter :]

HITCH x SPROUT (Sprich) ONESHOTS Where stories live. Discover now