Highschool Au Part 1

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Hitch sat down at this table In the lunchroom, he was waiting for his friends, Izzy, Sunny, Pipp, Zipp and Misty to get there. He was always the first into the lunchroom because of how close his previous classroom is to it.

A couple seconds went by and Izzy walked In holding Pipps hand, while Pipp was blabbing on about something that happened on her social media, then Zipp walked In with sunny and then Misty came in after that.

They all got their food and sat down with Hitch.
"Hey Hitch how is it going?" Zipp said, Picking up her fork. "I'm alright just have been thinking alot lately" Hitch responded, staring down at his food.

"Thinking about what Hitch?" Sunny asked in concern.
"Can we talk about It later..." Hitch said awkwardly, smiling. "Yeah of course" Sunny responded smiling, then going back to eating her food and talking with Izzy and Zipp.

"Sorry If i sound extremely down right now by the way"
Hitch said, pushing his trey away from himself.

"You aren't going to eat?" Pipp asked. "No I'm ok, I don't have an appetite right now"

"Oh alright" Pipp responded. Hitch stared off into the distance, looking at a short blonde boy sitting at a table all alone. "Do you guys remember Sprout?" Hitch whispered to the others. "Yeah of course I do, We grew up with him" Sunny responded.

"Well... uh- I think I-" Hitch hesitated to complete his sentence. "You think what?" Zipp asked.

Hitch covered his face, "Guys- I think- I think I have a crush on him.. But I don't know what to do- what if the guys find out?"

"AWWW" Izzy accidentally said, practically shouting.
"OMG REALLY?" Pipp said in excitement.

Hitch hesitated, Putting his head down on the table, "Yeah..."

Zipp looked at him rolling her eyes, "Hitch who cares what those stupud football players think? They are just homophobic assholes"

"Yeah I know but... I'm the literal Quarterback on the team- they will hate me" Hitch mumbled.
"I feel so stupid... I thought I was straight- but apparently not- I mean Is wanting to Hold a guys hand gay?"

Sunny chuckled, "Yes Hitch- That's gay- But that isn't a bad thing, I mean we are all literally gay- Im a lesbian"

"Exactly, and also ignore what those assholes think- I mean you give off straight alpha male energy anyways they won't know unless they find out—-" Zipp said.

Hitch laughed, "Wowww Thats so helpful Zipp, I already have a Bitch trying to get with me every single fucking day- I mean yeah I guess you are right I don't really look gay—-"

Misty Fake coughed, "Primrose——"

"Yeah that bitch- I swear she never leaves me alone"
Hitch said, sitting up in his seat again.

"I can't stand her- She is so prissy and annoying" Zipp said, scoffing.

"TELL ME ABOUT IT-" Hitch said laughing.

"Wait wait wait, Sorry to change the subject a bit, but are you fully gay or? like Bi?" Izzy asked.

Hitch looked over at Izzy, "Well.. Probably Bi, I still like women- But I guess Sprout is the exception—"

"Awww God I'm going to be obsessed with this I swear"
Pipp said smiling.

"Oh god, Pipp is now the number one Hitch X Sprout shipper," Zipp said, rolling her eyes.

"What's a shipper—?" Hitch asked, Genuinely confused. "PFFFT- I swear you are so uncultured Hitch" Pipp said laughing.

"Shut up he is literally a football star of course he doesn't know what a shipper is" Izzy said laughing.

Hitch rolled his eyes and smiled. "Pfft whatever"

To be continued.........

HITCH x SPROUT (Sprich) ONESHOTS Where stories live. Discover now