Highschool Au Part 4

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(Not my art!! Credit to the artist!!)

Hitch walked out of the gym, he took a sip of his water and sat on the bench next to the main gym doors.

(Hitches POV)

I honestly was trembling all over, but not because of gym. My head was spinning In circles and my thoughts seemed to be running a mile a minute ever since I had gotten that text from Sunny.

I didn't but at the same time did understand why, I mean a couple days before I had found out that I liked Sprout, and now I'm going to be sleeping In the same room as him- and yes 5 other girls BUT STILL.

I honestly found It surprising that I had even fallen for him, I mean not In a bad way though. It's just that guys like me are expected to have a hot girlfriend, get married and have 2-3 kids. But I honestly have other plans, I just want to be happy- and If liking Sprout makes me happy then fuck social standards.

He was perfect In my eyes, he's 5'7 with bright Green eyes, longish blonde hair that is sorta a mullet, that he ties back into a ponytail. His smile Is adorable and don't even get me started on his laugh.

I just wanted to be the one to take his hair down an-

"HEY HITCH!!" Izzy practically shouted, running over to me from the stairs, cutting me off from my thoughts.

"Oh uh, hey" I said looking up at her, grabbing my backpack and standing up. "So are we gonna go meet sunny now? Because I told my mom earlier about the sleepover-"

"Yep! and that's amazing!!- OH AND ALSO-"
She said, leaning over and whispering in my ear.
"Sprout is gonna be thereeee"

I paused, and looked directly at izzy, "Really? Thats cool" I said trying to hide how excited and honestly terrified I actually was.

"Yeah! So you will get to talk to him!" Izzy exclaimed, smiling at me and winking.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking, "Yeah yeah"
I said, finally getting over to the main entrance.

Sunny was already there, Zipp was standing next to her as well. "Hey Hitch!" She exclaimed, smiling at me.
Then she walked over to me before I could respond and whispered in my ear. "Look who is walking this way," she said, winking at me.

I immediately turned around to see Sprout walking in our direction, and of course me being me was freaking out Inside my head but was trying to play it cool on the outside, which came natural to me because I'm so used to putting on a front anyways.

Sprout hadn't really noticed me yet, due to him looking down at his phone but as soon as he looked at me I immediately started panicking. I mean of course I didn't let them know that I was panicking, but my brain was definitely having a spasm attack.

(Sprouts POV)

I walked over to the door where Sunny told me to meet everyone for the sleepover, but I was so distracted by my phone that when I looked up I had just realized Hitch was right next to me.

He looked at me and smiled, which probably made me blush but how the hell would I know if it did or not, I was such a nervous wreck, that was honestly the last thing on my mind.

I tried to avoid eye contact with him, but it's awkward to have a conversation with someone if all you do is stare at the goddamn floor.

"Hey" he said, smiling down at me. I just responded with "Hi.." because honestly I lost my entire vocabulary at that moment, and saying "Hi" was the only thing my mouth would even let me say.

He smiled at me and before I could say anything else, Pipp came running towards us. "HEY GUYS!!, Sorry i'm late I left my Makeup bag In drama class and I had to go get it"

"Oh that's alright! Let's all go now since we are all here" Sunny said, smiling and walking out the door.
Zipp and Pipp Followed, and then Izzy and then Hitch and then me.

I went to grab the door from falling back onto me but Hitch caught it and held it for me. "Thanks.."
I said awkwardly and walked out the door.

"Izzy, where's Misty? Wasn't she coming too?"
Hitch said, turning around and looking at Izzy while walking with the rest of the group.

"Oh she was going to— but she got sick and sadly can't come anymore" Izzy said frowning.

"Oh that sucks," Hitch replied.

I honestly at that moment felt like I was just an extra person In the group that had been invited for no reason. I mean nobody was really talking to me, and like always I was walking behind the group.

I mean It was partially my fault though to be honest. I never tried to speak to them so why would they want to speak to me if I never put any effort into trying to speak to them.

I just stayed behind the group, staring at Hitch to be completely honest. He was so attractive I swear, he was so much taller than me and he had the dorkiest smile. I love the color of his hair too, it's such a pretty teal color.

I had honestly liked him ever since we were all In 6th grade. Its when I first started realizing I was "different"

Different as in being a "Queer" as my mom would put it.
I used to stare at him in math class and imagine holding his hand constantly. I mean I still do imagine holding his hand to be completely honest.

His hands are just so much bigger than mine, I just want to know what It would be like to hold them. But it's not like I will ever know, he is probably straight and definitely not into someone like me.

My stupid dreams about being with him are nothing but well, "Stupid Dreams".

(No Pov)

Sunny took out the spare key to her house and unlocked the front door, she stepped to the side and looked at Zipp. "After you, my good Lady" she said, laughing a bit.

Zipp smiled and walked In along with everyone else following after her.

Sunny led everyone to the living room, they all placed their belongings down and started making where they were going to sleep for the night. Pipp took the far end of the couch and Izzy decided to sleep with her, Zipp and Sunny made a bed on the side, next to the couch out of some blankets and spare pillows, and Hitch made himself a bed on the opposite side of the couch, on the floor as well.

Sprout tried to space himself away from Hitch to avoid having to be directly next to him. Even though he wouldn't really complain about having his presence, he just felt It was better for him to not sleep near the guy he had dreamt about kissing dozens of times throughout his middle and highschool years.

He also did this to avoid any embarrassment, he overthinked literally everything, and thought it would be better not to sleep next to his crush Because it helped to avoid anything embarrassing happening, and then ruining his already very low chances of ever being with him anyways.

Sprout sat down on his makeshift bed on the floor, fiddling with the keychains on the side of his bag that was next to him, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone, especially Hitch. He just knew this was going to be a very long night.


Also sorry I write very slowly because my motivation decides to leave my body randomly

Very sorry about that💀)

HITCH x SPROUT (Sprich) ONESHOTS Where stories live. Discover now