Knock Knock !!!

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"Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad, but it's everything in between that makes it all worth living."- Sandra Bullock in "Hope Floats"


Chapter 2 - unedited

April 27, 2015

Wherever you are

Dear Lord

Today, we are waiting for earthquake to come to a halt but I don't think anything like that will happen. We got a big shock this morning, are you trying to prove that you don't exist? You know whatever you have done. Dinesh Khatri, one of my neighbours was the only bread winner of the family. He had just returned home from the temple, seeking happiness and prosperity for his family whom he deeply loved. He was supposed to go to Qatar the next day. His wife and children had gone to Basantapur area for the last moment shopping. As soon as he reached home from the temple, he locked the main door and went upstairs. He wanted to write a letter to his wife and leave it under the pillow so that read it in his absence, later... He was in a deep trance.

He remembered when they first met, the thought of his beautiful wife made him smile. He remembered the day when his twin children Sameer and Sameera were born. His mind drifted back to the time when he had decided to make a house and his wife Shiela had contributed by selling her jeweleries. In the letter, he had thanked her for all the wonderful time she had given him, for making his hose a home, for the lovely children and that he would be in debt to her his entire life.  He was going to miss her  a lot.

while he was still writing the letter, everything started to shake and things started to fall off their places. In less than a minute or two, everything started crumbling down and all that could be seen was dust and smoke. Dinesh tried hard to come out of the rubble but his leg got smashed by a pillar. Bricks rumbled down the wall and hit on his head. Unfortunately, he lost his life, Dinesh Khatri was no more.

His wife, on the other hand was in Basantapur with the two children where Dharahara collapsed. Luckily nothing happened to them. Shiela tried to call Dinesh but there was no network at all. She got worried and rushed towards her house. She finally reached home after an hour or two. She was holding both her children, the three of them were wailing but when they did  not see their house they were taken aback. There was chaos all over, people were running away from tall buildings,. Suddenly Shiela's eyes fell on some human body part, she realized that it was the same dress Dinesh wore that morning. She ran towards the corpse. She removed the planks and bricks that had covered her husband and cried for help to remove that pillar that had been lying on top of his thigh. She tried to wake him up but he was long dead. She asked for people to take him to the hospital but after examining and seeing lots of blood around they said he was  no more but it was not able to sink i to her brains that her loving husband was no more.

She saw a letter in his hand. She gently removed it and opened it to see what was there. There she saw that her husband had written a letter addressing her. it was written than she should be strong and look after the household and the growing children while in his absence. He had also written that it was just a matter of couple of years but now she realized that it was a matter of lifetime. She had to live alone. How would she look after the children, she had no money, no house, she was ruined.

So, God, Dinesh had just come from your place right? Is this what he asked you for? Then why did you do this. There are so many Dinesh in Nepal today who lost their life to this calamity. So many Shielas are helpless today...  You need to help God. Please help!!!

I know that you can help us. I see so many people dying, injured and suffering, yet I cannot do anything but listen to the news, show sympathy and nothing else. GOD, give us the courage to fight this situation. We need strength to bounce back! Okay anyways God, today my mom brought my laptop, books, and piggy bank from home. Now I can at least use wattpad and I have got some emergency fund for this calamity... According to news 60+ aftershocks came and many people died... You can see it from wherever you are but you ignore, why? Please do something God. We want our safe life back.


Saiyara Bist


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