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Chapter 8 - unedited

"None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have Faith." ― Paul Coelho, Brida


Now that the plan of going to Sindhupalchwok was cancelled, I asked Amu to take me to Sundhara which was recently destroyed. I wanted to see 'Dharahara', the one that Nepal's first Prime Minister Bhimsen Thapa built. It was a 9 storeyed tower at the center of Kathmandu. I had always wanted to climb 'Dharahara'.

New Year's Day 2072 B.S

" Amu look, so many people are climbing 'Dharahara', even I want to climb it. Today is New Year's Day, come on, let's go... let's go." I told Amu. "Adi will also have fun, right Adi?"

" NO! not now, later maybe. Anyway you've already seen how things appear from the 35th floor, while in Singapore. Why do want to go inside that narrow tunnel which is already so crowded today?" Amu told me.

Well that is right. You know what, when I looked down from that window (of course from the 35th floor), all the vehicles were like moving abacus beads and I moved my fingers as if I was moving those beads. The most amusing part was those vehicles or let's say beads went with the flow...

We were at Sundhara on New Year's Day. We went shopping and we roamed around the heart of Kathmandu- Sundhara, Kings way and Basantapur.

It was really fun. We went to the food court of Civil Mall.

"What do you want to eat today?" Amu asked me. Usually we ate Chinese food. Fried rice, chicken chilly, Manchurian etc, this time I wanted to taste something different. There were options, Thai, Newari, mo:mos, Japanese, Thakali, Chinese and many more. I wanted to eat Japanese.

Then I told Amu," Amu let's have some Japanese food today. Adi will also like it." "Hmm... Okay. Good choice." she said.

We went to the counter and asked for the menu. "Futo maki? Its a type of shushi? Want to try?" Amu asked us. Adi and I looked at each other and shook our heads from side to side, indicating no. Of course we wanted to try something different but shushi did not look tasty at all, then my very cautious eyes landed on the picture of tempura. "Amu lets have mixed tempura." I said, "and chicken roast." Adi added. Amu smiled at us and agreed.

"2 plates mixed tempura and 1 plate chicken fried?" she looked at us and we nodded enthusiastically.The lady in the counter gave her practiced smile and said okay.

We waited patiently at the table. " I'll bring something for you people to drink. Wait here." Amu said and left. When I heard a live band singing 'SUGAR' by MAROON 5. One of my favorite songs...

I'm hurting, baby, I'm broken down

I need your loving, loving, I need it now

When I'm without you

I'm something weak

You got me begging

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