Awaited Sorrow

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"Sometimes beautiful things come into our lives out of nowhere. We can't always understand them, but we have to trust in them. I know you want to question everything, but sometimes it pays to just have a little faith."
― Lauren Kate, Torment


Chapter 12 - unedited

Daddy Cool's P.O.V

And it happened...

It happened in such a shocking manner, no one could ever expect that it  could affect us so badly. Loss of lives and properties are irreplaceable. The damages of our heritages and monument can be built again but the emotional and sentimental attachment will never be the same as with the old one. But unfortunately no question rises about the precious lives. 

Regarding the nature of the earthquake, it is said that such type of catastrophe happens only after some eighty, ninety years. After the earthquake of 1990 B.S, the violent earthquake of 2072 B.S was already expected by Science and mode of nature but the human brains had not expected it to be there at that time. Nobody was prepared to accept it. Not even the government, not even a society or any individual.

The preparation had to be made before to meet the challenge of such a huge catastrophe. The newspapers and very few related people had been awakening the government and the public but who paid heed to them? They just ignored and neglected the fact. That was the biggest human error ever made. Now we can only thank the nations that helped Nepal and was always so supportive towards us. The countrymen who were abroad opened their hearts and helped the victims.

Being a head of the family, it was my responsibility to protect all my family members and my surrounding people. My wife Anu, my grand daughter Honey and grand son Adi were with me at that time. All safe.  Honey and Adi lived with my daughter Kavita in Kapan which was about five kilometers away from my place. It was weekend and they had come to see us. I immediately remembered my daughter and my three months old grandson Kabir and his babysitter.

I kept on wondering in which condition would they be, what were they doing, were they even safe at that time... I took my bike immediately and headed towards there place in spite of many people trying to stop me because the aftershocks were very frequent and strong. On the way, the roads were jammed as people were rushing in search of a safe place. So many tall buildings and houses were ruined. Until I saw my kids safe, I knew my heart would be in my mouth. At that time I remembered GOD.

It is a very funny human nature of remembering GOD during bad times automatically and thinking of him during good times to thank him just for formality (according to my opinion.)

After a while, I realized that somehow I had managed to reach to my daughter's place. I saw all of them.  Everyone had gathered in an open area near her place. They were all very scared. Many were crying. When I saw my daughter Kavita, her eyes were filled with tears and so were mine. Tears of joy and sorrow at the same time. We hugged each other very tight as if to never let go. 

As my younger son Amit lives in London, I didn't have to worry about him. He was safe. So, my heart and mind was occupied by Kavita's thought. She was my eldest and only daughter. I poured all my love and affection to her as she was my first child. I am always thankful to both my children who have given me so much love, joy, support and care all the time.

Finally we were all together and safe. We spent many days of the trauma attached to our brains. Neither  we could sleep properly,  nor could we be in full consciousness.  It was devastating, yet I thanked almighty for keeping me, my family, relatives, neighbors and my friends safe.

Though it occurred, I pray to the almighty to stop all these happenings so we could live a normal life ahead.

Hope for the BEST, prepare for the WORST...


Thank you so much for reading. I hope you liked it. Its the point of view of my grand father, Daddy cool...

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HAve a great day and night :)                      

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