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Chapter 7 - unedited

"And still, after all this time, the Sun has never said to the Earth,

"You owe me."

Look what happens with love like that.

It lights up the sky." ― Hāfez


I was awake the whole night, thinking about all those damaged houses that I saw on the way to school. I just couldn't erase the image of the cracked school building. More than 80 laptops, more than 10 I P Boards, more than 1000 imported desks and benches and about 10 televisions sets were still inside the building. I truly mourned for the precious books in the library, the ones that were hand picked by Director ma'am herself during her visit abroad and from book fairs and they cannot be retrieved now. The entire building has been cordoned off.

I wonder what would have happened if the earthquake would have occurred on working days, instead of Saturday. What would have happened to the students, teachers and other people in the school, especially those who were up in the dining hall on the 5th floor, or in the library, audio visual room, computer lab, all these rooms are above 3rd floor.

Last year, we had been taught what to do if earthquake occurred but would it be that easy if it really occurred? Everything would start moving and running down those stairs would be very difficult. We were asked to move out class wise but I don't think at that point of time anybody would follow the rules and wait inside the classroom.

Actually my school is really amazing. So many lively activities take place, where not only the students but the teachers, members of management and the directors also participated. Events like 'Children's day' , 'Teacher's day', 'Cultural Dress and food day', 'Science and Social exhibition", 'Oratory competition', 'spelling contest', 'Inter house sports', 'Christmas parties' , 'Saraswati puja' ,'Daffodil Festival' etc are some of the popular programmes. But Miss Daffodil is one such programme that takes place every two years so it is much awaited. It is a pageant to showcase the real self of the girls of grade 5 and 6. I remember participating in it 4 years back. I actually got crowned Miss Daffodil. It was such a thrilling moment, one of the most memorable events of my life.

Today afternoon, when we were at school Nagesh sir said," Did you hear about Samantha Rai?" "Why what happened to her?" Amu asked. I remembered Samantha, that same Samantha who had also participated in Miss Daffodil 2 years later in the year 2013. " Umm.. I had seen her picture in Facebook, she was in the hospital." I told Amu. "Oh!" Then Nagesh sir said," She was in that building which over turned at Sat talle. She broke her ribs." " Where is she now?" Amu asked, she looked really panicked and was worried for her. " She is in OM Hospital, in the emergency ward."

We headed towards OM Hospital. We asked the receptionist, where could we find her. We spoke about her case as well, they sent us out to check in the tent where emergency patients were lying. We asked the nurse about Samantha but all she told us was," Sorry, there are so many patients. I have no idea about any Samantha Rai, check it yourself and see if she is there."

"Okay, let's go Honey." Amu pulled me towards the tents where lots of patients were lying on the bed. We began searching for her, moving from one bed to another. "She is not here." I said, "Not here as well" Amu told me. We looked at each and every bed but in vain.

We went back to the help desk who pointed us to the receptionist. She called the ICU to ask if she was there, but answer was always no. She said that Samantha was there yesterday but today there was somebody else. My heart sank and requested her to check if she is there in any other ward. The receptionist called different wards many times but she was not there. " It's the last ward now, let's see if she is there." "OK, please call fast." I said.

The receptionist looked at us and smiled. She was there in ward no. 234 on the second floor. We heaved a sigh of relief and rushed to the second floor. When we reached there, we knocked at the door. Somebody opened the door, Samantha was there lying on the bed.

Amu was delighted to see her. She had not been operated because she was diagnosed with pneumonia hence discharged from ICU. Some Indian doctors came to review the case. After they were done, we again entered inside. I could not speak anything at that moment, I just waved to her and her sister and stood there quietly. I kept the food that we bought from KK on the table.

Amu asked if she would want to share anything with us. To this she said," I was on the sixth floor inside the church, when the earthquake occurred. I don't remember anything except that the whole building came crushing down. I was rescued later on. I had no time to run."

" When the ruined building of Sat Talle of Kapan, was shown in the internet, we bought airline ticket and came here from China as we knew she would go there every Saturday. In the hospital, all the doctors and staffs were scared to go up stairs so they kept the patients out in the tent. That's how she got pneumonia." her aunt added.

Amu said, " You are a survivor, you were saved for a purpose by the almighty. Now, be determined to get well soon. You must set an example. You must have learnt the value of life. Now, you must be strong. Our prayers are with you."

Samantha looked at Amu with admiration. Amu touched her forehead, blessed her and we left.


" Honey dijju, wake up!!! " I heard Adi trying to wake me up. He is the one who wakes up early so we call him Alarm Clock of our house.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at Adi, " What's the time. Umm... why so early?" "What do you mean by why so early? Get up! Its 9:30, you need to go to school right?"

"School, why would I go to school?" I asked him. "Oh God, dijju you are going to Sidupacho with Amu today, remember?"

"Sidupacho? What's Sidupacho?" I raised an eyebrow. " I don't know what's Sidupacho, daddy cool told me about it. He said that you and Amu are going there. So, get up and get ready." Adi pulled me.

"You mean to say Sindhupalchwok?" I asked him, "Yeah, Maybe." He rolled his eyes.

I got up and went to the bathroom. When I came out, I saw Amu talking on the phone. After the call ended, Amu said, " We are not going today because the school has cancelled the plan of going today, but we'll surely go tomorrow. Your papa called me just now, I told him about going to Sindhupalchwok and he has allowed us to go. He said it was a noble cause and we must go."

"Cool but then how come daddy cool suddenly allow us to go?" I asked Amu. " I don't know, maybe he thought it was a good work and we should do it. Anyways, yayy... we are going!!!"


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