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M O V I N G  ^  T O  ^  E V A N S T O N

Outfit -

Outfit -

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I'M SITTING IN my parents SUV, on my way to my new home. I don't have high expectations considering the city's my REAL home. All of my "friends" and family were left behind to go to some hickey place with snobby people. And everyone wonders why I have such a bad attitude about the move. I'll be lucky if I can find at least one good friend.

As I'm driving down the street my new house is on, I see some kids. Of course, they look rich, with their designer clothes and giant friend group. All I can think of is that I'm going to be a total outcast until I pull into my driveway and look behind me. The house across the street looks CRAZY!

While I'm shocked by how much different this family looked compared to the rest, my older brother is already trying to bother the weird people.

"Hey Nate! Where ya goin?" My dad questions.

"To check out the neighbors, y'know see if they have any kids my age." Which it already looked like they had a bunch.

"Well could you take your sister with you? She needs to meet some new people too."

"Dad, can I please just stay here and help you and mom unpack?" I say.

"No can-do Rae, you need to socialize instead of being stuck up in the house. Plus, we'll probably unpack more tomorrow than today."

Of course that was his answer, I guess I'm going with Nate.

My brother then yells from the other side of the street, "Hurry up Rae! No point in arguing."

I can't believe I'm actually doing this.


There's absolutely NOTHING to do today. I mean, I could play hockey, but Sarah and Mike are busy. As I'm looking out the window, I see the family moving in across the street just pull into their driveway. First a couple steps out of their car, and then their kids. It seems like they have two. An older boy and a younger girl probably around my age. I soon see the kids making their way towards my house. I decide I'm going to go talk to them.

I rush to the front door and answer right after they knock.

The boy then starts to introduce himself, as well as his sister. "Hey! I'm Nathan Knapp, but my friends call me Nate."

"Hi, I'm Raelynn."

"Nice to meet you both. I'm Jake! You're welcome to come inside if you would like."

Raelynn quicky says "No that's fine! I think-"

When Nate cuts her off "Thanks!" And pulls his sister inside.


Great. Just great. I've been dragged to this random out of control house, and just when I get the chance to leave, Nate has to take me inside. The boy, Jake, starts talking to us when his mom comes to greet us.

"Hello there! I'm Mrs. Baker, you can call me Kate though, and I'm truly sorry about our house, everything has been kind of wild today."

I can't help but feel some sympathy for the woman. It's just a big family, trying to live like everyone else. I shouldn't be so judgmental. They don't fit in and neither do I. I might as well try to get along with them.

"That's okay! And I believe your house is lovely."

"Yeah! Jake was just telling us about how he has eleven siblings!" My brother said.

"Oh yeah, well, they can be a bit of a handful sometimes. Anyways how old are you guys? There's guaranteed to be someone around your age in this house that you can be friends with."

"I'm thirteen, and my brothers nineteen."

"How wonderful! Jake here is also thirteen, and Charlie is around your age- I never got your names!"

"My name's Nathan or Nate and that's Raelynn." Nate says.

"Okay then! Jake, why don't you take Raelynn up to your room and the two of you can get to know each other better! I'll bring Nate to Charlie's room."

"C'mon Raelynn!" Jake exclaims.

This is my first story, so it's not that great, but I'm just writing this for fun!

W O R D ^ C O U N T - 7 5 6


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𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓐𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓜𝓔 ~ Jᴀᴋᴇ BᴀᴋᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now