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J A K E ' S  ^  B A C K !


I OPENED MY eyes to everyone scattered about, passed out on the couches, the floor, and for some reason Nate was on the coffee table. I blinked a couple of times to really get myself up. The time read 2:15 P.M.! Wonder why mom let us sleep in.

It was right after that thought when I remembered last night.

Flashback To Last Night ~

"So, does anyone have any ideas?" I hoped. Silence. "Jake did ask me to hangout soon." I mentioned shrugging. Maybe that would help.

No one said a word until Jessica spoke. "Guys, we need to think hard. No matter how much Jake pranks or annoys us-"

"He's, our brother. And Rae's best friend. We can't let him go on like this." Kim continued.

Everyone thought hard for a good five minutes until Mark mumbled a few words. "I have an idea!"

Our heads whipped around to stare at him. Mark started to explain starting with, "What if you open up to him?"

To be honest I'm not sure how this could work. But then again, Mark is the smartest Baker in my opinion.

"But she just said we have to think of something without him knowing she likes him." Sarah said in a "duh" tone.

"Wait, he could be onto something. What if she told him something personal. It'll make him feel like he's special to you! And then I bet he'll be happy knowing that." Henry did have a point.

"But what would she say?" Charlie pondered.

Nate looked at me with a worried expression. Like he knew what I was thinking. But it makes the most sense. My past is mostly kept to myself and my family. If anything, this truly proved Jake meant something to me.

"Trust me, I know exactly what to say. But does anyone have any other ideas?" I asked. Every kid shook their head no. "Alright then, all in favor of this being the final plan, raise your hand."

Hands shot up in the air faster than lightning. That's when I knew Jake was going to be okay.

Flashback Over ~

The rest of the night was a blur, but all we did was hang out together. Is it weird that I feel like I'm one of them. I mean I fit in so well. I can be myself when I'm with the Bakers. Especially Jake.

A shuffling noise from Mike snapped me out of my thoughts.

He mumbled a sleepy, "Good morning!" followed by a yawn.

"Get out of my room mom!" Charlie groaned. Mike and I giggled.

Soon we were all awake and laughed about us passing out. This was one of the best mornings I'd had in a while.

Footsteps soon approached the bottom of the basement stairs.

"Glad to see y'all chose to wake up today!" Mom said with a grin. "I saved some pancakes from breakfast if you'd like some."

"PANCAKES!" I screamed and ran upstairs forgetting about everyone else. Fron the top of the stairs I yelled, "Let's go guys!" And they all laughed.


I'm hoping tomorrow I'll be able to explain why I've been so distant, to Rae. I feel comfortable around her so it's easy to tell her things. Well, I guess not that I like her, but other than that she's a good person to have around.

𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓐𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓜𝓔 ~ Jᴀᴋᴇ BᴀᴋᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now