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I C E  ^  C R E A M  ^  " D A T E "


I TRIED MY hardest to lift my heavy eyelids as I started to wake up. I usually didn't feel this way, but I was so comfy and slept really well. I noticed the lighting of my room seemed...different? Almost like it wasn't my room.

Fast forward to a couple seconds later I realized my surroundings and looked over to see a drooling Jake with his hands around my waist behind me. It was now clear that we had a sleepover, but we were cuddling!

My cheeks resembled a bright red as Jake started to move a bit.

"Jake?" I whispered, now fully turned around to look at him.

"Yeah, Rae? Wait-" It took him a moment to think. "Raelynn?!"

"We uh- had a sleepover, remember?"

"Oh, right."

The room became awfully quiet and a bit awkward. Especially when I saw how close we were. Our noses inches away from each other. I'm assuming he saw too, because let out a breathy sigh, and blushed, looking away.

I tapped his arm and said, "Might as well get dressed?" My eyes wondered to the alarm clock on his nightstand. "It's already past 9 so I'm guessing most of your family is up."

I internally facepalmed myself hoping no one saw us together. The teasing would NEVER end.


Raelynn and I were still super close, but this time I didn't look away. I just stared at her big brown eyes as a smile tugged at my lips. When she was done speaking it took me a second to process what she said. I was so lost in my daze I forgot what she had said.

It wasn't until she got up off the floor and picked up her overnight bag that I remembered.

"Yeah, we should um get ready. Dad is most likely making breakfast, and mom is probably on her way to wake up everyone."

Raelynn nodded her head then asked, "Should I change in your room or the bathroom?"

Knowing there was probably a line outside the bathroom waiting for Lorraine to be done, I offered her my bedroom.

When I arrived at the bathroom, clothes in hand, I saw no one was there. "Shoot" I whispered to myself.

Everyone was probably downstairs wondering where me and Rae were. Why hadn't Mom woken us up? I guess she saw us. Great. Just, great.

I quickly got dressed and rushed back to my room before going downstairs. I had COMPLETLY forgotten that Raelynn was in there, and I ended up walking in on her changing.

I just stood there. Eyes wide, mouth hanging open. I was so embarrassed at myself, and she probably was too.

I as I became mentally stable again, I quickly screamed before shutting the door "I'm so sorry! I- uh- um- I- I'll...see you downstairs!" I couldn't even speak.

I mean, it's not like I saw much, considering I kind of blanked out and had no idea what just happened. I ran downstairs and took my seat at the table.


Soon breakfast was served, and Raelynn still hadn't come downstairs. I began to get worried until I saw her come and sit next to me at the table. We shared a quick smile and filled our plates with food from the table.

𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓐𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓜𝓔 ~ Jᴀᴋᴇ BᴀᴋᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now