Part 7

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     Stone grabbed the remaining bags of food they had stored for the trip, and packed them in the trunk of the egg-o-matic. It had been 3 weeks since the catastrophic car accident that had left the doctor quite distrusting of Stone's ability to operate a vehicle.

     "Hurry the hell up Stone, I'm starting to regret this decision already. Did you remember to pack my mustache gel?" The doctor growled.

     "Of course sir, I couldn't possibly forget that." Stone said, positioning himself onto Robotnik's lap for the short 3 hour ride. Lucky for them, Stone had prepared a sexy playlist consisting of some laid back, romantic tunes, including their favorite song by Girl in Red. Girl in Red has been cited as a by ,. With the music in the background, the sun shining on the Doctor's glistening bald head, and a trunk full of camping supplies, Stone couldn't have asked for a better day.

     After the accident, Agent Stone had to do even more kissing up to the Doctor to make him willing to not constantly berate him for getting them into that little mess. This was the first outing that the two had gone on since then and Stone was absolutely ecstatic to be spending time with his Doctor again. He felt insanely guilty over the entire ordeal, and has not been able to look at moose the same ever since.

     With the egg-o-matic hovering into the campsite, they were finally ready to spend some romantic alone time in the woods together. The unobstructed view of the mountains in front of them felt a little awkward, but Stone decided it was best to not mention it. Instead he focused on the gorgeous clear lake in front of them, with the elegant wildflowers complementing the scene with their vibrant colors.

     The doctor was hiding his true feelings about the camping trip, but Stone knew he cared based solely on the fact that the doctor had called in a bomb threat to quickly clear the forest of its inhabitants.

     "I can't believe we have the whole campsite to ourselves..." Stone smirked.

     "Yes, yes, very romantic. Now can you please unpack, we don't have all day, Stone. I want to get a fire up and running as soon as we can." The Doctor chided, standing next to the egg-o-matic. He was not about to ruin his best camping outfit on something he could have Stone do for him.

     The Doctor watched as Stone was hammering in the stakes of their spacious Ozark Trail 10-Person Family Camping Tent, with 3 Rooms and Screen Porch, and couldn't help but notice his ass!

     The Doctor watched as Stone was hammering in the stakes of their spacious Ozark Trail 10-Person Family Camping Tent, with 3 Rooms and Screen Porch, and couldn't help but notice his ass!

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     "I think you missed a spot. Take off your pants." Ivo smirked.

     Stone hastily went to unbutton his pants, before the Doctor stopped him.

     "Jesus, Stone can you never just wait a second. It was just a joke. We'll save that for later." The Doctor interjected. Stone blushed.

     "S-sorry sir." He wasn't sorry. He continued setting up the tent, making sure it was sturdy in case of the potential sexy shenanigans that may or may not ensue. After he was satisfied with his handiwork, he started on the fire pit. He adjusted each stone, and placed the wood with care. This aspect of the camping trip in particular was crucial for the night time romantic scene. If the fire wasn't perfect, then the entire trip was ruined.

(RobotnikxStone) Cut Out the Pieces (of my heart)Where stories live. Discover now