Chapter Sixteen.

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"Are you sure about this, Sister?" Violet asked Dany who was shaking with both nerves and anger. The two silver beauties along with Ser Jorah and a member of Dany's Khas stood at the steps of the House of the undying. The warlock Pyatt Pree had been the one to take Drogon and Viserion - Dany's two dragons.

"Yes." Dany said softly. "I will get them back."

"I know you will." Said Violet. Her fingers rested on the hilt of her sword and she wished nothing more than to slice through the warlock like he was a mound of butter. But this was Dany's mission, and she must unfortunately let her sister go alone.

Rhaell was perched atop Violet's shoulder, and was crying loudly for his lost brothers. Violet frowned and slid her finger along the length of his slender green neck, and tried her best to calm him. But his continuous cries were setting both the Targaryen sisters on edge.

"Take him with you." Violet urged as she slid her dragon to her sister's shoulder.

"No." Dany said with a shake of her head "He belongs with you."

Violet continuously argued with her sister about her dragon, until Rhaell's cries silence them both, and they both looked to him with smiles on their faces. "I should have kept them closer." Dany whispered as she looked on to the tiny green dragon.

"No, this is not your fault!" Violet exclaimed. "It is the greedy bastard who toke them. Do me a favor will you? Kill him for me."

Dany pulled her sister into a tight embrace as the four of them ascended the steps to the large tower that was the House of the Undying. "I don't like this, Khaleesi." Said Ser Jorah, his fingers mimicking Violet as they were eager to release his sword from his sheath.

"For once I agree with you, Ser Jorah." Violet said as they followed their queen along the large stone building. "Sister, wait!" Violet called out as Dany was walking farther and farther away from them.

"I can't see her." Violet said with panic as they came back to the staircase along with a member of her Dothraki following. "Sister!" Violet screamed. "Khaleesi!" Ser Jorah followed soon after. Dany was missing, and the only thing giving Violet comfort was the fact that Dany still had Rhaell perched atop her shoulder.

Thirty minutes past them by, and still no sign of Dany. "She'll come back, She's a strong one, your sister." Ser Jorah said to Violet. She had been pacing the entire time, and had started to think of ways she would climb the tower to find her sister and their dragons.

"I'll kill him if he lays one hand on her." Violet growled, looking nowhere in particular. "Aye." was all Ser Jorah had in response.

Thirty more minutes and Ser Jorah was tentatively watching the young Targaryen kick her leather boots into base of the tower. "Where did you learn to fight?" Ser Jorah asked her. She swiftly turned around confused before realizing she wasn't alone.

"Ser Rodrick Cassel, and Eddard Stark." She answered, feeling emotion rise up inside of her as she hadn't thought about Ned in the longest time. "Lord Stark was a noble man, he will be truly missed. "

Violet scoffed "A noble man who banished you."

"Aye, he did." Said Ser Jorah " For selling slaves."

"I've never seen slaves in the North." Violet exclaimed, eyeing Ser Jorah as suspiciously as she normally does.

"Perhaps because I sold them all." Jorah chuckled, attempting to make light of the situation.

"Slaves are nothing to joke about." A voice said behind them, and immediately Violet and Ser Jorah were alert - their hands on their swords. But upon seeing Dany and the three dragons standing behind them, they relaxed.

"Sister!" Violet said in relief, and wrapped her arms tightly around Dany. Rhaell climbed from Dany's shoulder on to Violet's and immediately the dragon calmed down. "What happened up there?" Violet asked. Ser Jorah also pushed for details, but Dany ignored them both and they all followed along down the staircase as the sun began to set.

"Were going to Xaro Xhoan Daxos's" a determined Dany said, as they trailed on throughout the city. Violet could tell she found out things she was not sharing, and Violet was desperate to know how she escaped the House of the Undying, but she knew better than to push her sister.

Dany was quick to signal the remainder of her Khas, and soon all of them silently wandered into Xaro's chambers. They found the large man sleeping, with Dorea one of Dany's hand maiden's sleeping at his side. Dany quietly spoke in Dothraki to one of her Khas, and soon one of them had swiftly ripped the necklace off of Xaro's neck.

Dany was quite confused as to this altercation, as she hadn't been in Qarth very long. Her friends in the Stark army had left a few days prior to head back to their own king. But no matter what, Violet could sense the betrayal in the air, it was almost palpable.

"Khaleesi please! He said you'd never leave Qarth alive!" Dorea cried as a dothraki man held a knife to her throat. Dany glared and soon passed on Drogon and Viserion onto violet. She held the three screeching dragons as they cried on as they felt their mother's anger.

"Come." Said Dany, she was harsh and swift as everyone followed her. Violet kept beside her sister, and protected their babies. They walked beneath to ground of Qarth and down a long pathway lit only by their small torches. And soon they came to a large door embedded with intricate gold etchings.

Ser Jorah handed Dany the large necklace that belonged to Xaro, and she placed it in the small opening that was fit for a key. Violet didnt know what she expected to be inside the large vault, but it certainly wasn't nothing. The vault was empty.

"It's empty." Dany said emotionless to Ser Jorah who stood beside her. She then turned her attention to Xaro himself. "Thank you Xaro Xhoan Doxas, for teaching me this lesson." and with one simple nod, her Khas had tossed Xaro along with Dorea inside of them empty vault, with they hands tied behind their back.

As they walked away, Violet could hear the cries for help from the moment they shut the vault doors. And just like her sister, she kept right on walking, with no sense of remorse. Violet hadn't felt remorse in quite some time, and was beginning to wonder if that emotion even still belonged to her anymore.

An hour later and she stood outside the city of Qarth, with Dany and Jorah and the rest of Dany's Khas. They had armfuls of the gold and silver that resided inside of Xaro's chambers and Jorah was peddling along to the captains of the ships trying to buy one for them so sail with.

She looked over to see all of the Dothraki looking to Dany with nothing but admiration. She had seen that look to Dany from everyone they met, and in that moment Violet made a vow to kill whoever it took to get her sister back to Westeros, back to the iron throne.

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