Chapter Seven.

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Violet felt like she had been on her horse for years, her bottom was sore and her hands raw. The trip from Winterfell to Kings Landing was proving to be more difficult than she originally thought. The first few days she enjoyed the views, seeing things other then Winterfell and the surrounding grounds that she fought on. But eventually with time she found the farmlands and the rivers quite uninteresting, and spent most of the time playing games with Arya when she got the chance.

She was currently sharpening Beast, as she sat on a rock as the caravan was stopped once more at an Inn on the Kings Road. She was more than grateful for the break, as the last time they stopped for more than a night was over a week ago. She enjoyed the breeze blowing through her hair and the echoing sounds of steel against steel and leaned against the tree for comfort. 

Arya had ran by a few hours ago with the butchers boy Micha, so Nymeria was sitting beside Violet, her head in her lap. All of the direwolves had taken a liking to Violet, especially Nymeria. It was as if the wolf knew that Violet would protect Arya just as she would. Violet pet the Direwolfs head and watched as the King and his men walked past her, when the king eyed her he stopped and looked at her with pure suspicion. 

Nymeria started growling under her breath, and Violet shushed her before Robert had the wolf killed. It unnerved her the way King Robert was looking at her, like he had this secret about her that even she couldn't figure out. The king was relatively nice to her when they spoke before in Winterfell, but this time she felt something shift, like the king would take his sword to her without a moments hesitation. 

One of the Kings guards whispered something to him and he looked away from her, walking away into the Inn with his men. Violet released a breath she didn't know she had been holding, but found herself being watched once more, only this time by Ned. He was looking between where the King had left to and back to Violet his eyes widening. 

Ned discreetly motioned for her to follow him towards the stables, and she quickly sheathed her sword, pet Nymeria on the head and followed Ned. 

He slid the stable doors shut, leaving only the sound of hay crushing beneath his feet and the neighing of the horses to echo in her ears. "Ned, are you alright?" She asked him, seeing fear behind the large man's eyes. Ned looked around quickly before pulling Violet into his arms. 

"Violet, you must listen to me" Ned whispered, his breath tickling her ear. She tried pulling away, but he kept a good hold on her. "I can't risk anyone hearing me"

"You have to leave here Violet, it is not safe for you" Ned stated, leaving her only more and more confused. "What are you talking about Ned?" She asked, her arms falling limp at her sides, wishing for Ned to explain himself.

"My child you are a Targaryen. There were three, not two as everyone thought, and that third child is you" 

Violet felt her eyes going wide at the new information, it made no sense to her. "No, my name is Snow, Violet Snow. I am a bastard of Winterfell, A true Northerner!" She cried out, only finding Ned covering her mouth with his large calloused hand. She grew weary as she never saw Ned this worried before, maybe she should believe him to just not see this look in his eye.

"No Violet. You are the way you are because of the Targaryen blood that runs through your veins. The silver hair, you are unaffected by the cold. You are the blood of the dragon! Robert has been watching you, he is growing suspicious. You must leave here Violet, ride as far south as you can, Dorne will be the only place not influenced by the Lannisters"

Violet had no earthly idea where to go with this information, she knew nobody outside of the Starks and the few Lannisters she had spoken to. But if this information was true, and the more she thought about it the more sense it made, then she was indeed in danger. Robert and Cersie would have her head if they knew of this, and she was no longer safe here.

"Can I bid goodbye to Arya? I would hate for her to think I abandoned her" She asked him, Ned showed sympathy in his eyes but shook his head. "I will tell her I sent you back to Winterfell, that a raven arrived requiring  more protection" 

Violet nodded slowly and closed her eyes to really process this, Dorne was the farthest south you could go in Westeros, and a young girl alone on the road was a dangerous thing. "Tell nobody who you are untl you reach Dorne" Ned said speaking in a haste as he listened to the loud voices of the men outside, growing frightened that Robert had figured it out. He had caught him staring at Violet more frequently, asking questions about her to random people, it was only a matter of time before he realized who she was.

"Violet I love you like a daughter, please be safe" Ned said pulling her back into his arms, her arms wrapping tight around his middle. "As I love you as a father. But you spoke of three Targaryen's where are the other two?" She asked with hope, realizing that she had family after all and they might be looking for her.

"They are across the Narrow Sea. When you get to Dorne, the Martells will help you. They're daughter was a Targaryen by marriage to your brother before he was killed" Ned said, walking away from her to pull out a large silver horse from the stall, and quickly saddling it for Violet. Violet couldn't help but admire the beauty and comparison between her and the horse, her hair almost blended in with the beast. 

Violet pulled herself onto the horse and led the horse to the back entrance that Ned had opened for her. The area around the Inn seemed to have been getting busier and louder, and she would have to make her escape quietly, almost unnoticeable. She pulled her hood up above her head and turned around to bid Ned farewell.

"Until we meet again Ned Stark, if it's any consolation I would love to have you in my Queensguard" Violet said, her voice cracking with emotion as everything that was happening was almost too much for her. Only three weeks ago she was happy and carefree running around with Direwolves and Jon, and now she finds out she is the rightful queen of the seven kingdoms. 

Ned smiled and bowed to her "It would be an honor, My Queen" He said, before walking back inside of the stable and closing himself from view. She wiped the few tears that ran down her face before heading in the direction of Winterfell. Sure Ned had told her to head South, but knowing her luck the Lannisters and Baratheons would be on her tail before long, and all she really wanted was to talk to her best friend.

 Jon was as far North as you could get, but Violet didn't care. She needed him, and no oath or brothers in black would keep her from him. Forget the vows he would take, she could forget about her love and lust for the man to keep him honest to himself. But the men of the night's watch gave up the houses they were once sworn to, they were sworn to protect the realms of men. And that seemed like a better idea then traveling a year south with the Kings men searching for her. 

When she was finally out of the bustling of the Inn, she could hear Robert's bellowing voice shouting through the streets. 

"Where is she? Where is the Targaryen? How could you let her slip through your fingers?"

And the words traitor and treason were heard quite often. Enough to where Violet wanted to turn around and help Ned. But she knew it would be all for not and wouldn't help either of them no matter how much she loved the man. So she quickened her pace, and her once silently planned getaway turned into a run for her life.

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