Chapter Three.

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There was a feast brewing, larger than any Violet had seen in her short eighteen years of life. Winterfell didn't get too many honored guests, many couldn't stand the cold, but the King was as good as you were going to get. She found herself seated at a table full of Lannister soldiers, and even with all the vulgar chatting among the men and the piles of delicious food in front of her; Violet found herself incredibly lonely. 

The man beside her, who's name she couldn't remember kept trying to steal touches at her thigh. The man across from her had fallen into a drunken state of sleep. And the rest of them were just sending her glances that made her very uncomfortable. As she picked around her roast duck and potatoes, she desperately wanted to rip Beast off her hip and slice through the man beside her, his hands had wandered too far for her liking. Instead she quietly excused herself from the table and headed outside.

She knew Lady Stark had something to do with her seating arrangements, she was sitting the farthest away from the King and house Stark as humanly possible without sitting out in the snow. Violet never understood the Lady's disdain for her, she showed the woman nothing but respect.

Walking out into the snow most would have shrieked in surprise. It was freezing up here in the North to most, but not to Violet. The cold wind was nothing but a mere summer breeze against her warm skin. 

She heard the sound of a deep grunt, along with the familiar sound of a sword hitting a practice dummy. She walked slowly and quietly around the corner and found Jon angrily attacking the dummy made of hay.  "Now what did he ever do to you Jon?" Violet asking him, a smirk on her face. 

Jon whipped around in surprise, but smiled seeing it was Violet. He swung his word across his shoulder and stepped closer to his friend. "Shouldn't you be at the feast?" Jon asked her, motioning his head to the open hall near them that was full of life. Violet shrugged and pulled her own sword out, playing with gently with her fingertips.

"Had I stayed much longer, five Lannister soldiers would be missing their cocks" Violet said before slicing through the practice dummy with her sword, exactly the way she described. And smiled as she pretended it was the man in the dining hall who had touched her more than she liked. 

Jon frowned when Violet mentioned the men in the hall, he felt himself getting angry and wanting to march inside there and cut off their cocks himself. But Jon knew Violet would have wanted nothing more than the satisfaction of killing them herself. But still the thought of unknown men touching the girl he loved didn't sit right with him. 

"What is it like Violet? Killing a man" Jon asked the girl who was busy hacking away at the hay strewn dummy. She stopped in her tracks and looked to Jon with raised eyebrows, She leaned against Beast and shrugged her shoulders. "Planning on killing someone Jon?" She asked with a smirk, she raised her sword to begin practicing again. But Jon knew she was just avoiding the question, he was one of the few people around here that could read Violet.

"I will someday, Want to prepare myself" Jon told her. She still avoided his question, so he did the only thing he knew to do, to get through to her. Fight. He took his own sword and blocked the dummy from the swing of her sword. Violets eyes widened in surprise before he knew she saw the challenge. She took a step back from Jon, who stood in ready position. 

Her sword raised, and his followed and the two soon found themselves in a heated duel right outside the dining hall. Jon grunted as he tried to keep up with the silver haired beauty. Violet was way too quick for him, he couldn't understand where her speed came from. She was almost like a dragon flying through the air, and swooping down to devour it's prey. 

"You are thinking too much" Violet told him, nodding her head in the direction of his feet which were slightly stumbling over one another. Jon and Violet had both been trained by Winterfell's master at arms, the only difference being Violet had seen battle at the tender age of sixteen. Rodrick Cassel saw no prejudice in having an amazing swordsman at his side, even if she was a small sixteen year old girl. 

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