Chapter Forty

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My love,

Gods how I miss you. I miss you terribly, but I know you are fairing well. I could write how much I love and miss you for days, and on too many pieces of parchment, but I'm afraid this letter comes for a less than happy reason.

Too much has happened in your absence, and I know Dany hasn't been writing you everything. To start we sadly lost Ser Barriston, he was murdered while Grey Worm was gravely injured. A group of fanatics called the Sons of the Harpy have been causing chaos in Meereen, so many of them attacked us at one time. That is the last we saw of Dany. Drogon pulled her from the fighting, but we have yet to see a sign of either of them.

Jorah and I are leaving in the morning to search for her, but we leave Meereen in the capable hands of some friends of yours. Tyrion Lannister and Lord Varys have somehow managed to pledge themselves to house Targaryen, your sister seems to trust them as they are close with you.

Dany will probably kill me for alerting you of the chaos that has been happening around us, but as I'm not sure how long we will be gone I felt you should be aware should anything happen.

Tyrion and Missandei have been notified that if Dany doesn't come home within a time limit to contact you.

I pray to the Gods that you never receive their letter. I will fight with every breath I have to bring Dany home safely. And should anything happen to me, know that I love you fiercely, and you have made every hell in my life worth it as all of it has somehow brought me to you.

Love, Daario.

Violet crumpled the letter in anger, while tears slowly ran down her cheeks. She knew Dany kept her in the dark to spare her the worry, but it was also her worry to bare. The death of Ser Barriston should have been made aware to her, she had grown quite close with him during their time together. She would have loved to know that Tyrion and Varys had been in Merreen this whole time. The soldiers that were fighting were also hers as well, she was one of their commanders, and knowing their house was battling without her help didn't sit well with her.

She could barely enjoy the fact that the man she loves had finally written to her, she was too busy worrying about where her sister was.

It didn't take her long to figure out she wasn't staying in Westeros. Not while her sister was missing across the narrow sea.

She quickly packed the few belongings she had in her tent, before sheathing her sword and shoving her bow and arrows onto her back.

Her ships were ready, stocked, with brand new sails branding the Targaryen insignia upon them. Her men had already been prepared to go, Violet just hadn't been ready to leave Castle Black, not after losing Jon and getting him back so quickly. But there was no better time than now.

"Davos!" She called out to her advisor who was walking through their camp.

Davos looked to see her packed, a crumpled letter in her hand, and tears streaming down her face. He was immediate in knowing what was coming next.

"I'll have the men ready in two hours." He told her, bowing quickly before running off to find their commanders. She was grateful she didn't need to explain anything to him, he seemed to read her mind when she needed him to, which made her confident in her decision to take him on as an advisor.

Her soldiers were quick in taking down their camp, everything being loaded onto wagons and heading to Eastwatch by the Sea.

"What the fuck is this?" Asked Tormund who popped up beside her as she was helping some of her men. His arm motioned to the lines of soldiers who were marching along the wall to the East.

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