Chapter Five.

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Violet was extremely saddened when she heard the news about Bran Starks fall from the tower. Bran was like a younger brother to her, so she walked around Winterfell with a heavy heart knowing the young Stark boy may never awaken. 

It was very early in the morning, a certain mist leveling itself over the grounds of Winterfell. Violet's footsteps were silent and aware as she took a walk towards the stable. She sighed upon arriving when she saw she would not get through the stable doors unnoticed. Tyrion Lannister "The Imp" As many called him was sitting to the right of the doors, bundled warm in a fluffy fur coat. The tall Baratheon boy, Joffrey was standing near him, with his personal body guard "The Hound".

Violet had been looking forward to a nice quiet ride through the Wolfswood, but realized quiet was not what she would be getting with the annoying Joffrey around. She had no problems with Tyrion, the small man made her laugh without knowing he had done so. She didn't even have a quarrel with The Hound, she often caught him rolling his own eyes at the putrid Baratheon boy. 

She didn't understand how a boy could grow up to be this retched. Robb was a high born only a few years older than Joffrey, and he was a perfect gentleman, Most of the time. Violet had to remember that Ned and Catelyn were not Robert and Cersei. However the other Baratheon children were quite lovely, Joffrey seemed to be the only family member out of sorts. 

"Lady Snow" She heard someone say, and gave a small smile to Tyrion who was now standing beside her. "Just call me Violet, Tyrion" She said softly, not even knowing if it was proper to use his full name. But Tyrion smiled and began to walk beside her, most likely trying to get away from his nephew who was looking rather smug this morning.

"How can I help you Lord Tyrion?" She asked, fiddling with sword on her hip. She wasn't too much taller than the small man, so speaking with him didn't pose an issue. "You just intrigue me Violet" He told her with a shrug of his tiny shoulders.

Violet found it odd how many people were taking an interest in her these days. Before the king arrived in Winterfell nobody really paid her any real attention. Sure she had Jon who had been her best friend since they were children. She had the Starks, sans Lady Catelyn who didn't care for her. But everyone knew who she was and what she was like, just a simple silver haired girl who happened to have been to battle. 

But now she was taking walks with Kings, both Lannister brothers seemed to find her the most interesting thing they had ever seen, she only met Cersei one time and even then the woman stared at Violet as if she had seen her somewhere before. Violet was confused and wasn't sure this attention was well deserved.

"Why is that Mi'Lord" She asked him, glancing around to see the townspeople giving her strange looks as she walked past with the imp. She didn't know if they were looking intrigued at the tiny imp, or at her for speaking with one. Regardless she found herself glaring at them for the unwanted attention, all of them caught on quickly and carried on with what they were doing.

"For one you dress as if you walked out of the hot sun in Dorne, while I am down here shivering off my tiny cock" Tyrion said to her. She chuckled at the small man and shrugged her shoulders, having had this conversation with almost every citizen in Winterfell. "I do not feel the cold, it is but a mere breeze against my skin. Same with heat, I could take the hottest bath in the world and never burn" She said, speaking in complete boredom to him, while he looked at her as if she was insane.

"See my dear Violet, this is why you intrigue me" Tyrion said softly reaching over to gently pat her hand. She normally did not take kindly to men who touched her, aside from Lord Stark and Jon, occasionally Robb. She normally would have ripped her sword out and threatened the man, but she felt Tyrion would cause her no harm, and did not think of her like the rest of the Lannister clan. So she kept her sword in it's sheath.

"I have also never met a woman with a sword. Word goes around you are the only woman warrior in the North, if not the whole of the seven kingdoms. I remember my sister grabbing a sword one time, she frowned at it and dropped it from the weight" Tyrion said, chuckling to himself from the distant memory. She also chuckled, picturing Queen Cersei looking at a Longsword confused as to not know what to do. 

"I have seen battle yes, I am the only female bannerman for house Stark. I am a bastard, but Lord Stark took me under his wing as a child and I trained with the Master at Arms, so I saw combat at a very young age" She explained to him, not knowing why she was opening up to the tiny Lannister as she was. But something was telling her in her bones to trust this man, one of the only people in the world she felt that way with. She remembered Jon told her that Tyrion told him that all dwarfs are bastards in their fathers eyes, so maybe they had more in common than she originally thought.

"And it does not frighten you?" Tyrion asked as they came to a stop outside the tavern. Violet could hear the chatter inside and the occasional yell from a soldier. They took a seat on the bench, Violet's sword clanging against the metal seat. "Nothing frightens me anymore Mi'Lord" Violet said, speaking nothing but the truth.

The small Lannister looked to her with even more interest than before. "Not even death My Lad- Violet?" he asked, stopping himself from calling her a lady as she had asked him earlier not to. Violet only shook her head and smiled. "No Mi'Lord, some things in this life are worse than death. Death is simple and often quick, it's living that too many fear" Violet said, speaking with pure passion. She had always been a passionate girl, killed with passion, hunted with passion and most importantly she spoke with passion. When she got going into a conversation about something she felt strongly about, she could convince the most vile of beings that they were pure.

"That is very brilliant Violet, you are too true" Tyrion said before plopping down from his bench and down into the snow. "It was lovely chatting with you Violet, perhaps I will see you in Kings Landing some day" Tyrion said bowing to her and kissing her hand gently.

Violet could only roll her eyes as this was the first man to do that to her. Jon was different, she would let him kiss any inch on her body if he wanted, but sadly that would never happen. "I doubt that Mi'Lord, my place seems to be stuck here in Winterfell" Violet said with a shrug as she waved her arms to the snow around her. She didn't mind living in Winterfell, but she for years had wanted to see more of the seven kingdoms. 

"Well I would love to take another walk, should you end up farther south one day" He said, speaking softly with a smile so infections it caused Violet to grin herself. "The pleasure would be mine Mi'Lord" Violet said giving her best attempt at curtsy. Tyrion could only chuckle watching her awkwardly try to bend her legs as such with a large sword on her hip and a bow on her back.

He patted her once on the hand before wandering into the tavern for his breakfast. Violet decided to skip and finally get in that morning ride she had been wanting.

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