Chapter Twenty-Three

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Violet sat idly in the Merreen throne room, flicking two throwing knives through her fingers. Meereen had been an easy conquest and while Dany had kept herself occupied with the day to day appearances of running a city, and Daario had found himself patrolling the streets with the second sons -- Violet had discovered a new found feeling she hadn't ever experienced in her life...Boredom. 

In Winterfell she was constantly kept busy. Either playing with Jon and Robb, learning to fight or hunting in the woods, there was never a dull moment. And after she was forced to run for her life she was always on edge, always weary of the next soldier or hunter that was after her life. But now that her sister had decided to temporary rule in the once slave driven city and she didn't have a bounty on her head she didn't quite know what to do with her life. 

She was bouncing on her toes, her fingers delicately twirling the knives between her fingers and she had the fierce desire to heave them across the room. She was tired of hearing the citizens drone on and on to her sister in a language she couldn't even comprehend, and the situation made it all too clear to Violet that she was never meant to rule at all. 

Grey Worm and several other Unsullied soldiers were surrounding the room, along with Ser Jorah and Ser Barristan who lingered in the back of the room. Her sister was safe and wouldn't notice her disappearance, so she found herself wandering out of the pyramid through the back.

She kept her hand firmly gripping the knife at the side of her belt, Some of the natives in Meereen looked to her like a foreign invader they were desperate to get rid of. While others looked to her in gratitude, as they more than likely mistook her for her sister. If only they knew how different the twins truly were. 

She passed by an alleyway before she immediately ripped the knife from her side, a foreign hand had wrapped around her neck. 

"Easy, Love." She heard in her ear, making her slide the knife back into its holster. She smiled before turning around and sliding her arms around Daario's neck. He smirked down at her before gently pushing her into the building across from them, and attacking her lips with his own. 

Violet felt at ease with Daario, she felt the rare feeling of safety with him. He was the one person in all the world she could honestly say she would trust with her life, and more importantly her sisters life. The past few weeks he was the only person making Violets life slightly bearable. 

"Thank you for rescuing me from my boredom." Violet whispered when she breathlessly pulled her lips away from his.

"You don't have to sit in the throne room every day you know, you could always come patrol the streets with me." Daario suggested. 

Violet's smile faltered as she didn't quite know how to tell him a plan that had been formulating in her mind for a few weeks now. She was going crazy sitting in a throne room day in and day out, and not knowing the language of the people was making it even harder on her. She needed to do something, something not in Essos. 

"What's wrong Love?" Daario asked, fiddling with the ends of her silver hair. She kissed him lightly before pulling away and placing both hands on the swords sheathed at her sides. 

"I can't stay here. I'm doing no good walking aimlessly in this city."

Daario frowned before responding. "You're protecting your sister, you're a commander in her army. You are doing something." 

"What army? We aren't fighting anyone. I'm sitting on a staircase listening to a language I don't understand while Dany is ridding slavers bay of it's slaves. Our enemies aren't here, they are in Westeros." 

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