Chapter Forty-Seven

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Violet wandered around the courtyards of Winterfell, smiling as she watched soldiers practice their archery against hay filled dummies. The armory was teeming with blacksmiths hammering away making leather covered breastplates for the harsh winter ahead, and small children happily chased each other without a care in the world. 

Snow was gracefully falling from the skies, creating piles on the muddy ground that soon turned to mush as soldiers marched through. The trees were baron, not a single leaf could be seen within sight. And as a white raven had arrived the week prior, winter had officially come to Westeros. 

Violet has stopped to check over a sword a smith had just finished, when she heard a commotion from the front gate. 

"Oi, piss off you little shit." One of the guards growled, causing Violet to step closer to them. She peered over his shoulder and smiled upon seeing a young woman with a billowing cloak wrapped around her shoulders. Her hand rested on a skinny sword attached to her hip, and her dark brown hair was tied up in a similar fashion to Jon's. Arya Stark had come home, and a bright smile appeared on Violet's face when she realized who it was.

Violet coughed loudly, causing both guards to turn around and face her. Their eyes went wide before they instantly bowed their heads to her in both apology and respect. "Your grace," one of them mumbled, avoiding eye contact completely. 

"We were just dealing with this pest, your grace." The other responded, rising and nodding in Arya's direction. 

"Why are you denying Arya Stark entrance to her home?" Violet asked. She was speaking to the guards but her eyes were on Arya's large doe brown eyes. Both women smiled to one another in excitement. 

"Apologies, your grace." The guard mumbled, stuttering over his words. 

Violet nodded her head in the direction behind her, and winked at the youngest Stark daughter. It wasn't but a moment later that Arya had flung her tiny arms around Violet's neck – hugging her tightly. 

"I'm so glad you're okay! Nobody has had any idea where you've been! Sansa hasn't seen you since we lost your father, and we have feared the worst!" Violet told her, pulling her away to give her a once over. She had certainly grown up, and was no longer the small girl who left Winterfell for Kings Landing. Now she was a woman and had clearly seen her fair share of life. 

"It's a long story. As I suppose yours is as well." Arya responded. 

Violet nodded her head before cupping Arya's face and placing a kiss on the top of her head. Arya was always a sister to Violet, she would forever be a large part of Violet's chaotic and exciting life that seemed to bring her to every edge of the world. 

"I saw the dragon flying overhead when I rode in, so it's true then? You really are a Targaryen." Arya asked as the pair walked into the busy courtyard. 

"It is. I have a twin, and we have three dragons between us. Winterfell will forever be my home though. Just as the Starks will always be my family." 

Arya smiled as she fiddled with the sword on her side. Violet could see Arya eyeing the Valyrian steel that was resting in the sheath on Violet's back. Violet pulled it out and handed it to Arya's eager hands. 

"Did you finally do away with Beast? That sword saw it's fair share of fights." Arya asked, admiring the beautiful sword that rested between her palms. She questioned the purple ribbon that was tightly wrapped around the handle, but did not voice her concern. 

"That's actually a very strange story of how I lost Beast. We will fill you in on everything, but first you need to see your brother and sister." Violet told her. She gently took her sword from Arya and re-sheathed it on her back before wrapping an arm around Arya's shoulders and helping her reunite with the rest of her family.


It was a week later that Davos and her army finally rode in from Eastwatch by the sea. Violet smiled upon the arrival of her advisor as well as Armitage riding over to greet her at the gates of Winterfell. 

"Took you long enough." Violet joked, laughing at the disgruntled face Armitage gave her. 

"I need a very large ale, a woman, and an entire day's worth of sleep after that journey." Armitage grunted, adjusting his leather breeches that were riding up. 

"Winterfell will treat you accordingly my friend." Violet told him, pulling him into a quick hug before doing the same to Davos. Armitage quickly made haste to the nearest brothel that was nestled between a bakery and the inn. 

"Your sister and her armies have made it safely to Dragonstone, we all branched off heading north after seeing they arrived." Davos alerted her. "She does wish you would join her." 

Violet frowned and walked beside Davos as they assured the army was all arriving safely. The men in the front were immediate in heading towards the barracks to gain their much needed sleep. Many stable boys were rushing to keep up with the hundreds of horses they were now appointed to look after. 

"There are more immediate threats that need tending to. We've told you of the undead army in the north. There won't be a Westeros to rule if we don't deal with that threat before anything else. I really need my sister and men here with us." 

"She seemed pretty set on taking Kings Landing as soon as possible. Tyrion told me she wants to wait for you, but he doesn't think she will wait long. She has grown very impatient." Said Davos, stopping at a food stall to purchase a large loaf of bread from the vendor. He happily devoured the bread before taking a flagon of ale that was on a separate table and chugging it quickly. His body almost thanked him for the nourishment after such a long journey north.

"Our man power should not be wasted on Kings Landing right now. We just lost so many fighters in the battle for Winterfell, and what we have is not enough! I need Drogon and Viserion, I need the Dothraki, I need the second . . ." Violet gasped at the realization that the second sons were now without a commander. 

"Daario. I lost Daario. The second sons are without a leader." Violet mumbled, clenching her jaw to keep her emotions at bay. She knew she could be vulnerable with Davos, but it was still not in her nature to let her emotions out so freely. 

Davos placed a gentle hand on her shoulder before responding, "Dany left the second sons in Meereen. She wanted them to stay and patrol the streets in her absence." 

Somehow the response both sated and angered Violet. Had Daario been alive he would have had a duty to be with his army instead of by her side. He had helped both Violet and Dany when they needed him and his men, and Dany was leaving him behind like he was nothing. But now that Daario was no longer alive, the issue was null, and Violet no longer needed to worry about the issue. But still, Violet felt utter annoyance at her twin for the decision. 

"I think the best thing to do is to go to Dragonstone and talk with her. Make her see the rational decision  in dealing with the army of dead before anything else. I'm sure she will see reasoning when it comes from you."

Violet had hoped Dany and herself would be on the same page with the issue of fighting the white walkers before anything else. But somehow Violet knew that Dany's vision was clouded with images of the iron throne. And with Dragonstone a mere grasp away from Kings Landing, Violet felt it would take everything she had to get Dany to think of anything else. 

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