The Way I Loved You - Taylor Swift

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"Screaming and Fighting and kissing in the rain, it's 2:00 am and I'm cursing your name"



The fourth of July was a big tradition. Susannah went all out decorating the house to make it look super festive. Cameron didn't really wanna go considering her situation with Steven but she sucked it up. She knew this was something that was important to Susannah.

When Cameron arrived she came with Shayla,Nicole,Gigi,Peter and some other debs that she and Belly had invited to the function.Everyone was hanging by the beach.Well everyone but Steven, she still hadn't seen the boy which made her a little more comfortable.

Laughter could be heard in the air as everyone socialized with one another. Cameron was currently hunched over laughing at something Shayla had said when Belly spoke up

"May I present, the belly special" she spoke putting a glass of pomegranate margirita on the table




The girls responded back laughing, "We saved you the inflatable unicorn" Gigi said pointing at the contraption

Belly chuckled "Well thank you, it's very cute" she said sitting down

"Hey guys guess who I found?!" Jeremiah said, holding a bag of ice and making his way towards the group.Cam Cameron trudged behind him with a smile on his face.

"Cam!" everyone cheered at the boy

"Ughh, my name twin!" Cameron spoke excitedly, smiling at the boy. Conrad offered Cam Cameron a drink but he quickly declined

"More for me that's fine" he smiled, drinking out of the cup. Steven eventually came out and she knew the air would be awkward, she didn't wanna ruin anyone's night. So she kept her distance from the boy, giving him a pleading look when he tried to come over and talk to her.

Other than that fourth was a blast, they drank, they laughed, they ate. It was really fun.While the boys played around the girl sat together conversing

"I don't get conrad" Nicole spoke towards Belly and Cameron, she knew they were close to the boy."It's like one minute he's all over me, he stays over,but then we don't even fuck, right"

Everyone nodded as Belly stared off into space, the margarita's must have just started to settle in.By now they young Conklin lost count of how many she had.

"And then this morning he's like super into me, and now he's like football" Nicole spoke leaning forward and rolling her eyes

"Boy's are dicks," Cameron mumbled making all the girls agree.

"Yeah no, he's like that to me sometimes too" Belly spoke trying to reassure Nicole.

"Do you really think he likes me?"

Belly nods her head at the question "Yeah, yeah he totally likes you" she says drunkenly.

Cam Cameron comes towards the girls offering Belly a water to hydrate.He's action makes the girl smile up at him "Cam Cameron, you're so sweet. Isn't he sweet!" Belly exclaimed to the girls making them giggle

"Uh do you wanna go one a walk on the beach?" Cam Cameron asks Belly, but is ignored when Shayla speaks up

"Cammy I love your outfit today" she spoke smiling at her close friend,Cam let out a laugh "Why thank you, I got it from your closet".

"Yeah you know you remind me of my friend Taylor" Belly spoke drunkenly towards Shayla. At the sound of Taylor's name both Shayla and Cameron froze.

"You and Taylor are like twins because your both mega-fashiony and total baddies" Belly carried on not seeing how uncomfortable Cam was getting "I mean you both don't have the same taste in boys because Taylor is like in love with Steven ,which is totally awkward because Cammy over here is in love with him too"

"What?" Cam said her voice cracking. She knew that Taylor and Steven kissed, but she didn't know that Taylor was in love with the boy.

"Oh yeah I mean before she left she told me that she told Steven about it a couple of months back.He didn't tell you?" Belly hiccuped

Cam cameron sensing the tension finally drug Belly away from the mess she was creating when a tear fell from Cam's eye. Shayla went to comfort the girl when Cam quickly shot up sped walked her way towards the house.

Steven, noticing her upset look, immediately went after the girl."Cam! Cam" he called out her name as she kept walking.Steven jogged up to her and touched her arm as she roughly shrugged him off. Steven went to speak when a hand smacked him across the face turning his head to the side

"What the fuck Steven!" Cam yells at the boy

"Cam can we just talk" the boy spoke touching his cheek where she had slapped him.Cam let out a harsh laugh "I don't wanna fucking talk to you Steven, I don't even wanna fucking look at you right now!" she spat at the boy "First I find you kissing Taylor and then Belly tells me Taylor's in love with you. And you knew this whole time and didn't tell me"

Steven sighed while rubbing his face, leave it Belly to out him and make everything worse."I-i was going to tell you" Steven started and licked his lips "but I don't love Taylor back so I knew nothing was gonna happen" he finished intertwining their hands together

"Well obviously something changed because you cheated on me with her Steven, you-you don't do that to someone you love " Cam replied as tears escaped from her eyes "God I hate you so much right now"

Cameron pulled away from his grasp and continued to walk towards the house,Steven followed quickly behind her and stopped her once more."But you said- you said that you could never hate me" his voice broke, now he was also crying.He was scared that he might lose the best thing that's happened to him

"Well I guess we're both liars" looking him in the eye she shook her head at the boy before taking off her promise ring and throwing it at him. She turned and sped walked into the house leaving the boy alone.

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