Chapter 4

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What's on Tadashi's neck?

WARNING Mention of abuse, choking, drinking, and bruises. please don't read if you're uncomfortable with any topics mentioned
The POV's switch throughout this chapter, this it takes place before Kayeyama moves to town. Euphoria style
I go from 'Tadashi' to 'Me and I' and back to 'Tadashi'
Literally this is just Tadashi's story

Tadashi was born November 10th, 2005. Her parents were blessed to have a little girl. Tadashi's life was full of love and support, until the age of 7 when her birth father left her mother for someone else and completely leaving Tadashi behind. Tadashi was an exact replica of her father and every time her mother looked at her she was filled with rage. Her mother grew to hate Tadashi and blame her for what her father did.

At age 10 her mother remarried to her now step-father. Her step father didn't like Tadashi that much either. But he was the closest thing to a father that she had. So she ignored all the hateful comments, the looks she got, both hatred and sexual stares from her step father, she ignored everything

Tadashi's step father was a drunk and her mother would drink with him sometimes until she was drinking with him all the time. Now nothing bad ever happened to Tadashi when her parents were drinking. Until they both got physical with her. Her step father would wrap his hands around her throat and choke her until she was begging for air or on the verge of unconsciousness. Her mother would grab her by her hair and throw her around the room until she cried for her to stop. Luckily her step father never touched her in any bad way.

She was 12 when it all started. She got pretty good with makeup, so she could hide the bruises around her neck or the ones on her wrists or the ones she'd find on her body at 3 AM. No one knew what happened on Wednesday's. The day her parents would drink. This went on all the way to Sophomore year, until finally someone saw them. She was running late for school and forgot about the bruises on her neck. When she finally realized she panicked and hoped no one would notice her. And no one did and if they did noticed they certainty didn't care enough to say anything. She was doing just fine, just fine, just fine, just fi-

"What's on your neck?" Goddammit Kou out of all the times you pay attention to me why did it have to be now?

Come on think of something, "Oh, it's probably just a hickey" Really?! A hickey?! Why did you have to chose the most basic excuse in the book, but in reverse?

"Okay one, your more of a virgin than The Virgin Mary was, two, just from looking around I can tell that no one is eager to drop their pants to have sex with you, they're all wanting the Regina, Gretchen, and Karen doppelgangers, three, you literally told me that you want to be with the right person before you ever do anything sexual, and four,... "


"I don't think hickey's are suppose to look like that"

"Like what?"

"Like someone's hands around your throat" Tadashi's hands fly to her neck were just by the light pressure sent jolts of pain to her neck

Kou was normally a guy who didn't show many emotions, if he did it was fear caused by his mother. But there was always something Tadashi could tell about Koutarou that no one else could, he always had a little light in his eyes and just from looking, Tadashi new that the light was gone. She knew Koutarou wasn't pleased with the fact that if he put his hands around Tadashi's neck it could almost be a perfect match.

Koutarou didn't like it when people laid hands on others. He was more of a 'talk it out' kind of person, but if he needed to he could pack one hell of a punch.

The bell rang, "Come on it's time for class" Before Tadashi could walk away Koutarou gently took her by her arm and pulled her down the hall, "where are we going?" Koutarou didn't say anything, up ahead she saw a teachers bathroom. Koutarou brought her into the bathroom and locked the door, "What are you doing?"

"Answer me honestly, what happened" She had to think of a good excuse, but she couldn't. What could she possibly come up with to explain the bruise around her neck that match finger prints?

"I- I spooked someone and they accidentally pinned me to a wall with their hands around my neck" Wasn't the best excuse, but maybe it could work?

"Do you think I'm gullible? Naive? Stupid? Let me let you in on a secret I'm neither of those things. My mother raised me to be open minded and to look at all possible causes, and since you're to scared to even tell a waiter what you'd like to drink I have a hard time believing that you 'spooked' someone. So tell me the truth or I'll force it out of you"

"Oh really, how?"

Tadashi had a snarky tone in her voice.

That very same tone is how Koutarou and her ended up at the foot of Koutarou's mother bed, "Sweetheart what happened to your neck?" His mother sounded very worried about her, she always said that Tadashi was like the 3rd daughter she always wanted, which made Koutarou yell and that made his mother hit him in the head with a wooden cooking spoon.

"Just like I told Kou I-"

"Koutarou's already told me what you said and I've gotta agree I find that story harder to belive than when Kou said he had a crush on a girl"

"Mom! I was 5!"

"So?! I didn't believe it for a second. I knew since the day you were born that you were a little fruity"

"Mom, don't say that, it's weird" She ignored Koutarou and focused back on Tadashi. "Please tell me, baby" Tadashi couldn't hold it in anymore and started spilling everything to them while crying. She kept choking on her words as she talked while Koutarou's mother rubbed her back to help sooth her.

"Listen, we need to tell the cops this is-"

"No! Please don't, they're they only family I got. I can endure it. They only do this one day a week"

"That is not a good excuse!"

It got silent, "Alright listen, we won't tell the cops on one condition" Tadashi looked at Kou's mom, eager to hear what she had to say. "On Wednesday after school you don't go home"

"Where would I go"

"You'll come here and you stay the night"

"You'd do that for me?"

"Of course I would"

"But mom your-"

"I know whats happening Koutarou! I'm your mother your my son, it's not the other way around, you don't need to take care of me and worry about me evert minute of the day"

"I know I'm just.."

Koutarou's mother grabs her son's and and whispers, "I know"

Tadashi's only ever seen Koutarou let his guard down around his mother. His mother has always been his safe place, the place where he can finally relax and just breathe. Koutarou's been going through a rough patch for a long time and he doesn't like to talk about it, Tadashi doesn't blame him. There's a reason Koutarou act the way he does around others. He refuses to say anything on the topic and he had every reason not to, it's a sensitive topic. Even hearing it for the first time brought Tadashi into tears.

Maybe one day they'll both have the lives they deserve

It's shorter than usual, i just didn't have any idea of what else to add.
Bokuto's story might be next, who knows

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