Chapter 5

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I'm back, the mystery gang is back, everything is back to normal 😌

September 20th, 2005 there was a boy born. This boy with beautiful golden eyes and bi-colored hair, an exact copy of both his parents. His two sisters were so happy to have a younger brother, his mother was overjoyed to have a son. While his father wasn't present at his birth nor was he there while his mother was pregnant with him.

His father wanted a son and only a son, he didn't see the use of having girls. He thought they were weak and had only one purpose in life, to give strong men like himself children. When his mother had girls he got fed up with her since she hasn't given him a son yet, so he left. When she found out she was going to have a boy she was happy to have another baby and she at all cost tried to hide her baby boy from his father. She didn't want her son growing up like that man.

She was successful in hiding her son whom she named Koutarou, with the help from her daughters she raised her son to be a fine young boy who she could tell was going to go far in life.

She dreaded the day were she'd have to tell her son that one day she won't be able to walk by his side anymore. One day he'll have to grow up early and have to take care of himself. She just didn't think that this day would come so soon.

Koutarou's mother was cooking in the kitchen while her kids were in the living room either coloring, watching something on TV, or texting some boy they thought they were gonna marry one day. Dinner was almost ready when suddenly Koutarou's mother couldn't hold herself up anymore.

She fell down, her body felt too heavy for her legs to hold.


Koutarou was the first one to rush into the kitchen after hearing a crash, he was the closest one to the kitchen. She looked over at her little boy, only 6 years of age. His sisters ran in after him and saw their mother on the ground, her 11 year old garbed her little brother and made him look away while her 13 year old ran over to her mother to see what the problem was.

She grabbed her mothers shaking hands and tried to help her stand, but she just came crashing down again, "There's no use in helping me stand, I can't feel my legs"

Her oldest daughter knew what was going on, she knew that she needed to get her mother to a hospital, "I feel so exhausted like I've been running all day with no stop"

"Yeah, that's one of the symptoms, mom" Her oldest said and pulled out her phone to call 911. Koutarou looked at his other sister, "What's wrong with mommy?"

His sister bent down to his height, "It'll be very hard for you to understand right now Koutarou, but mommy is sick right now"

"Is she gonna be okay?"

She smiled softly at her little brother, "Of course she will be, she's gonna be just fine" Paramedics ran in through their door and into the kitchen with a stretcher and helped his mother onto it. They brought her into the ambulance as a police officer walked over to them standing on a porch watching their mother being taken away.

The police officer started asking questions, "Does anyone know what happened to your mother?" Koutarou's oldest sister looked at him, "She has Multiple Sclerosis"

"Why wasn't she in bed?"

"She thought she'd be fine for a few years since it wasn't that bad, just mostly blurred vision, tingles, tremors in her hands, a lot of cramps, and as I continue to list these things the more bad it seems"

"Well listen your mother is gonna be fine as soon as her doctor get's her on the right medication, is there someone you can stay with right now, your father maybe?"

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