Chapter 8

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Bring in the new guy 👀

There was this guy I've never seen before in front of us. He was tall, my guess around 6'0, he had an undercut and his hair was dyed blonde.

And like always Koutarou had to say something rude to him

"Excuse me? That is no way to talk to someone you don't even know"

"Yeah, so let's keep be strangers you walk to the fuck away"

"Kou that's rude"

The guy got closer to Koutarou, I pray for his soul, "You know you're not a very approachable person"

"And yet here you are"

This guy didn't seem to like Koutarou's attitude, but to be fair a lot of people didn't like his attitude. Keiji pulled Koutarou behind her and to the back before anything else could be said, "I'm so sorry about him he doesn't know how to.. be nice"

"Yeah, I can see that" Keiji stuck her hand out to him, "I'm Keiji and I promise none of us his like that jackass"

"Wow, thanks"

"Shh Koutarou!"

The new guy shook Keiji's hand, "My names Atsumu, I'm new here"

"Well I'm sorry you had to be greeted in such a rude manor" Atsumu chuckles a little, "No worry, I know how to handle people with an attitude"

I stepped into the conversation, "Where did you go before coming here?" He looked at me, "I use to live in Texas before I moved here"

"Really so you're from another state, so am I, I'm from New Mexico"

He smiled, "Well isn't that interesting"

"I'm Tobio by the way"

"Nice to meet you Tobio" Atsumu looked behind to me to Tadashi who had pulled Koutarou a little more down the hall and seemed to be talking to him about something, "And she is?"

"That's Tadashi"

"Is she like that pricks girlfriend or something?"

"Oh no he's g-" I saw Keiji rapidly shaking her head and making a cut it out motion at me, "I mean no that's not his girlfriend, he doesn'" Keiji made a wtf gesture and I gave Atsumu an awkward smile while he looked at me weridly, "Ookay"

"Well I should be going now"

"Alright see you later, Atsumu" Keiji said and he walked away and past Koutarou as they both looked at each other and I swear they held eye contact for a good 10 seconds before Atsumu looked away. Koutarou and Tadashi walked back to us and Tadashi had a smile on her face, "What are you smiling about Dashi?"

"The new guy is definitely gay" Koutarou looked at her so quickly it gave me whiplash, "You can't just call people gay, dumbass"

"I don't mean it like that I mean that he definitely into men"

"He's from Texas"

"Tobio that doesn't mean anything, not everyone in Texas is homophobic, just the general population"

Atsumu might be gay he might not be I've got no idea, he seems like a cool guy so hopefully he'll excuse Koutarou's behavior and hang out with us in the future.

We walked out of the school not really caring that the school day was over. After what happened earlier with the police and then accusing me of this I really wanted to go home and the others silently agreed with me. Once we made it out to the parking lot we split ways with Keiji as she walked to her car and we walked to Koutarou's. The drive home was silent and I was thankful for that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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