Chapter 6

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8th period. The period I have with Koutarou. The worst period of the day.

It was just a normal period of me not understanding anything that Ms.Stevenson is saying and Koutarou actually understanding the topic that was being taught. In the beginning he didn't understand anything, but I guess now he does?

"Okay, so when mass x acceleration = force and mass is p, acceleration is ∂V/∂t+VxΔV, and force is ΔP+pg+μΔ2V so the equation put together is p(∂V/∂t+VxΔV)=ΔP+pg+μΔ2V which is what we call the Navier-Stokes Equation" Please god make her stop,"Now-" before she could continue with her boring and over complicated lesson the fire alarm went off and we all started standing up to get ready to leave out the doors.

Ms.Stevenson grabbed her thing to say that she has everyone and we started walking out the door. On our way Tadashi some how joined us, and by that I mean she literally just appeared next to Koutarou.

"Good evening Kou, good evening Tobio"

"You're to cheerful, stop it"

"Don't say that that's rude, Koutarou"

I smile at Tadashi, "Good evening to you as well" Tadashi smiled back at me and I felt my heart skip a little,... wtf.

"S-So what do you guys think happened?" Goddamn Tobio do you always have to stutter at the worst times, "I hared someone pulled the fire alarm to get out of a test"

"Why would someone to that?" Koutarou was the one that answered, "Because most people are assholes" me and Tadashi looked at him strangly, "What?!" I said a little to loudly, "What? Don't believe me? Walk up to a group of people and shout "hey asshole" and watch them all turn around"

"Kou actually has a point"

"You're only saying that because you would turn around"

Tadashi nodded, "Yes, that's very true"

I've never noticed how beautiful Tadashi's smile was or how her eyes sparkled in the suns rays. Did Tadashi always have one dimple on the left side of mouth, or the little freckles she has, not the obvious ones under her eyes, but on her nose, the kind you can only see in the sun.

I was so caught up in my head that I didn't realize that we were going in or that Koutarou was in my face trying to snap me out of my day dream until I feel a sharp pain in my neck. My hand flies to the spot Koutarou pinched really hard, "Ow! What the fuck Koutarou!"

"We're going inside so get our ass out of the clouds and let's go"

He started walking away from me and I followed him. When we got back to class and sat down the teacher finished up her lesson and gave us the rest of the period to ourselves since we had 15 minutes left. I hadn't expected Koutarou to say anything to me so when he did I was shocked.

"Do you have a thing for her or something?" Her? Oh Tadashi!, "What? n-no shes just a good friend"

Koutarou looked at me like I was a complete idiot, which maybe I was just a little bit, "She might never notice it, but I do" he paused for a minute, "I..I saw the way you were looking at her when she wasn't looking, you weren't that subtle about it" Was I looking at her in a certain way? A disrespectful way? "Would you stop freaking out, you weren't looking at her in a bad way" Oh thank god, "Then how was I looking at her?"

"Kind of like you were in a daze, like the only person in the world was her, like you were so in love with her that you would drop to your knees at her beck and call" Was I really looking at her like that?

The whole time Koutarou was explaining this to me he kind of looked like he knew the look I was giving her by heart, like he use to have that same look on his face for someone at one point in time, maybe he was resentful, that maybe he could never have someone that looked at him like that or maybe he wants someone to look at him like that

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