Chapter 7

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Spooky season? Spooky chapter? 👀
p.s I made altercations to Tobios schedule so there are 2 classes hes not taking anymore

I use to love October, but that was when I lived in New Mexico and didn't get this cold like it does in New York. Do I even have any warm clothes?

Even in the car on the way to school was cold, and these two dumbasses were wearing short sleeves!

"How on earth are you guys wearing short sleeves in this kind of weather?!"

"It's not that cold outside stop over reacting" Over reacting?! I'll show Koutarou over reacting. Before I could say anything Tadashi started to speak, "Kou, he isn't from a state were it gets this cold this often, be a little more open minded would you?"

"You could be less oblivious" Koutarou mumbled, "Hm?" Tadashi looked at him wanting Koutarou to repeat what he said. He looked at her for a second before turning his head back to the road, "Nothing"

The rest of the drive to school was silent, like it usually is during the morning when everyone is tired.

I was more tired then usual, I still couldn't get over the fact that my dad was cheating on my mom, I still haven't told mom. I don't know if I could bring myself to tell her. It will break her heart.

I wish life could of been easier so I didn't have to deal with everything happening right now. I'm only 17! damn it.

When we got to school I kid you not I ran inside the building from how cold it was and practically sped walked to my first class, has this school ever heard of air conditioning?

My first period of cooking, but I was too tired for, I thought about skipping, but I've never skipped a class before and it literally scared me to do so

Cooking pasted rather quickly for 40 minutes. After cooking I had a free period so I was planning on going to the library to try and get some sleep. I had just entered the library when the principal started talking through the PA System asking all the juniors to meet in the auditorium

This school is starting to get weird. Yesterday they asked for all the Sophomores and the day before that they asked for all the Freshmen.

While walking to the auditorium I somehow found Keiji and we started walking together

"Do they always do this?"

"Not that I can remember"

Koutarou and Tadashi soon found us soon after and we all sat down somewhere in the middle of the auditorium. We sat there for about 10 minutes waiting for everyone else to sit down. As soon as the whole Junior class was sat the principal and some police officers came out and started explaining why everyone is here

"I'm sure everyone has heard of the recent killings of our first responders. I do not mean to scare anyone but the police have suspicion to believe that the suspect may be a student in our school-" the principal couldn't even finish his words before the whole room breaks in everyone whispering to each other about this statement

"What high schooler would want to kill first responders"

"Theres no way its one of us"

"Bro it's 7 in the morning"

"Shut the fuck up its only 8:25"

"Everyone language please!" The principal shouted, "Lets all quiet down and let the police question everyone so we all can get out of here as fast as we can" The principal gestures to one of the police officers to step up and tell everyone what to do

"We'll be interrogating everyone is groups of 4, please would the first 4 please starting over here in the first row follow us"

The police officer gestured to the right and the first 4 students get up and follow 3 of the police officers, then the next 4 followed the other 3 police officers with the principal

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