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Hughie: So, you're-you're not a Fed?

Sirens were heard in the background and they were getting closer and closer.

Butcher: Do you hear that? That's the old bill. So unless you want to explain why you've got America's favorite invisible wanker dead in the boot, get in
will ya?

Hughi started to take quick and short breathes again freaking out, but he finally accepted what happened and got into the car.

Hughie: Aw, shit.

Butcher reverses the car out of Hughies work and drives down the street. Hughie was in the back the blood across his forehead drying up, while Conner was in the front seat, he had his earphones on listening to Billy Joel on his Walkman.

Butcher while driving saw how uncomfortable Hughie was with the situation and decided to explain to Hughie what he actually was.

Butcher: All right, listen, I have worked for the Feds. I've worked for loads of people. I'm what you might call an independent contractor. You got a problem, you call me, I solve the problem.

While driving by they heard a car honking the sound becoming quieter as they drive past it. Then banging was heard, and it sounded like it was inside the car. Hughie had a confused look, Conner just moved one of the earbuds from his right ear. All three of them look towards the back of the car.

Hughie: What is that?

Conner: Our poorly named Invisible friend seems to be awake now.

Butcher: That's a problem.

Hughie seemed really relieved with the fact that Translucent was alive.

Hughie: Oh, thank fuck, he's alive. Yes, yes, he's alive! Okay, pull over.

Butcher: No, no, no, Hughie, you don't fucking get it.

Hughie: Pull the car over.

Butcher: This is a fucksight worse. He's seen our faces.

Shock spread across Hughies face as he realized even though Translucent wasn't dead, they would have to keep him trapped somewhere so he wouldn't tell anyone what happened and who did it to him.

Hughie: Oh, my God. No, no, no, no, no. I can't do this. I can't do this. Let me out. Let me out. Pull over!

Butcher: Hughie, you walk away now, and you will never get payback for Robin. You'll spend the rest of your life sitting on your ass with fucking regret. Now, is that what you want?

Several police cars drive past them their flashing lights illuminating the inside of Butchers car as they passed. Conner also decided to add his two cents in as well.

Conner: Remember Hughie, you're trying to get Justice for Robin. They killed her dude, much worse than us capturing a perverted naked hero.

This seemed to calm Hughie down a bit, but also gross him out remembering Translucent has to be naked for his powers to fully be effective.

Butcher: I know a bloke. Top man. He'll know what to do.

They drove all night to get to the man Butcher knew. It was now daytime and they were in an alley. Butcher started to bang on the metal door. In a surprisingly fast manner the door was opened by a girl with black hair, sunglasses, and cigarette in hand. The girl promptly takes off her glasses and just keeps her eyes on Butcher. Obviously knowing who he was.

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