|R6| - Dissemble

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Her vision was clouded as her knees buckled, her hands shaking in front of her. Her mouth opened and her eyes were shedding tears that made paths in the blood splatter on her face. Her knees hit the ground with a dull thud, branches below her snapping. Her shoulders shook as she gasped a sob. 

"JD?" She whispered, her eyes drifting around her.

"JD!" She repeated, louder than before.

The distant sound of the bats screeching drifted past her ears, growing deaf as she screamed his name in fear.

'He's not here, YN.' The voice rang through the silent forest, her blood-covered face glancing everywhere. 'You know that he isn't here.'

"WHO ARE YOU? WHERE THE FUCK IS HE!"  YN screamed as she scrambled to her feet. 

'You know where he is YN.' YN's eyes widened as her breath halted in her throat. 

She shook her head, lifting her right hand. But she coaked on a sob, her fire creating only tiny sparks.

"What have you done to me? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO JD!" She yelled.

The strange voice laughed, echoing all around her. She stumbled as she turned around, seeming to follow the echo.

'I haven't done anything to you YN. Nor have I done anything to JD.' Then the voice dropped to a whisper, and YN froze in place. 'You're the one who killed him YN.'

Her body stilled, her heart missing a beat as she digested the information. Her eyes dulled as she looked back at her hands, the black charcoal-like diseased skin growing slowly up her arms. Her fingers twitched slightly.

"I killed him?" Her voice cracked as she stared at her hands.

The voice chuckled darkly. 'Yes, you killed him.'

'And you'll keep killing people my little Fireball.' Cordelia's voice echoed gently through her mind. 

YN's eyes flicked to a bright sky blue as her rage flared. "You-"

'Oh, no need to get angry YN. I'm dead.' Corelia said as her shadow-like figure appeared in front of her, a silhouette of her with her yellow eyes glowing. 'You make sure of that.'

YN paused, staring at the moving shadow. "What?"

The shadow tilted back as Cordelia's laughter rang through YN's mind. Her yellow eyes flashed as she looked over at YN. 

'Do you not remember my little Fireball?' The shadow stepped closer. 'When I had dragged you here,' its hand waved to the forest around them. 'You killed me.'

YN's eyes widened. "How? I didn't think that was possible."

Cordelia laughed and shook her head. 'Oh, neither did I. But here we are.'

Cordelia's eyes glanced down at YN's hands, a snicker escaping her. 'I see you didn't come out unscathed though.'

"You did this to me?"

Cordelia laughed before her shadow disappeared. 


Zack glanced over at Mike before picking up the phone. He dialed the number and hung up when the dial tone clicked off.

"What was that? You didn't even speak!" Mike exclaimed in confusion as he stood up from the couch.

Zack turned to him and shook his head. "That's Russia for you. Just, wait. We'll get a callback, it's how they work." 

Mike frowned in confusion before the phone began to ring. 

Zack stared at it before pointing his finger at Mike. "Don't say anything. Ok? I won't risk them killing my brother just because you couldn't shut your mouth. Got it?"

Mike nodded before Zack picked up the phone.

"Hello?" He said in Russian.

"American, we weren't expecting you to answer us. Where is-"

"There was an accident, they are alive, but cannot speak. How is my brother?" He spoke rapidly before he looked at Mike.

"Your brother has disappeared. We have almost found him. So you better complete the job or else-"

"He's gone?" Zack spoke in English, his eyes widened in surprise.

The Russian fell silent, but Zack grinned before he could say anything.

"Well, go fuck yourself, you Russian bastard!" And he slammed the phone back on the receiver. 

Mike's eyes widened in confusion. "What about YN? You didn't ask-"

"There is a good chance that they escaped together. I know my brother, he wouldn't have left anyone behind there. He's with her." Zack laughed before he nodded his head.

"I can give them back the memories. But only a few people. Too many, and I'll be out for the day."


YN walked down the empty road, her eyes drifting from building to building. Trying to see if she could figure out where she was. But her mind wasn't focused. Her thoughts kept getting stuck on the fact that she hadn't remembered what happened. 

What had she done to JD? Had she really killed Cordelia?

'You want to Remember?' The strange voice asked her, breaking through her thoughts.

She paused, glancing around herself before sighing. 

"Yes." She whispered, her hands clenching into fists at her side.

The voice hummed slightly, and a tiny spark in the back of her mind ignited, tickling her brain.

'Come to me.' The voice said, the building to her left began to crack open, a portal breaking through.

"Come to me, and you will remember. And be so much more than you are." The voice echoed as she stepped forward, her fingers twitching as she raised her hand to break through the portal. "You can be more YN."

"More?" She whispered, pausing for a moment as she stared into the portal. "What do you mean? That I can be more?"

"I can see your mind YN. Your ambitions, your fears. Your strengths and your weaknesses. I can see your past, and I can see what will happen if you continue down the path that you have chosen."

YN's brows furrowed as her lips curled down into a frown. "And what will my path lead me to?"


YN inhaled sharply as her eyes widened. "And if I chose this one? Where will that lead?"

The voice chuckled. "You will become stronger than before. You will live, and be reunited with those you care for most."

YN shuddered as she closed her eyes. 

"And what do I call you?"

The voice was silent for a moment before answering. "You can call me One."

YN paused for a moment, turning her left arm slightly. Her eyes glanced down at her 005 tattoo, before frowning when the black had covered it all except for the first zero. 

"Yes. I was like you YN. Just before you're time." One had said, the portal opening slowly.

"Join me, and become more YN."

YN inhaled deeply before lifting her foot and taking a step into the portal.

Lost in Mind || Will Byers {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now