|R3| - The New Kid

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JD inhaled deeply, coughing as he felt something hit the back of his throat. He slowly opened his eyes, feeling panic invading his system at his unusual surroundings. "Hello?" He called out, stepping over a vine on the floor.

"Anyone?" He turned around as he heard a slight chirping sound.

The sound grew closer, and he took a step back. The sound of squishing, and a rotting smell filled his senses. He coughed as a cloud of strange dust flew up to his face. He waved his hand, trying to get it to dissipate, but his mind started to become muddled. His movements became sluggish as his eyes began to droop.

And he quickly fell to the ground, and his consciousness faded. Before his eyes fully closed, he saw a girl with fiery hair turn the corner. And then it faded to black.


"How about we try to figure out what happened to my sister? Who's been missing for 3 months now!" Dustan exclaimed.

Mike and Lucas sighed as Max brushed passed them, turning her music up to ignore everything.

"What is there to find out Dustin? We can't do anything! Steve, Robin, and Nancy searched for clues, and they came up empty-handed!" Mike exclaimed as they turned the corner. "We can't do anything because we have nothing! We just need to wait for Eleven to get her powers back. Then we'll have a lead!"

Lucas shook his head. "Man, as much as I hate it, he's right. We can't do anything, we can't even drive!"

Dustin rolls his eyes. "Well, I'm sorry for not giving up! She's my sister!"

"And we haven't given up yet either Dustin!" Lucas stated as he looked at Dustin. "We're just saying that we can't do anything without help. But we don't have anything to lead us to where she is or who took her!"

"Who are we talking about?" 

The three turned around, looking up at Eddie Munson who was looking down at them.

"Eddie! We were just talking about-"

"My sister," Dustin said with a small smile nodding his head. 

Eddie raised a brow in confusion as he glanced between the three freshmen. "I thought Sinclair and Wheeler had the sisters?"

Dustin nodded his head before clearing his throat. "Yeah they do my sister, YN, she's been missing since this summer."

Eddie frowned. "That's the first that I've heard of anyone being missing."

Dustin nodded. "Yeah, it's because-" Dustin panicked as he looked at Mike and Lucas.

"She was visiting our friend Will! Went missing there, in California." Mike said as he looked at Eddie.

Eddie nodded slowly before looking back at Dustin. "Well, that sucks to hear that Dustin. They'll find her sometime soon. Was she like you?"

Dustin nodded his head. "Yeah, but cooler. She had a level 21 bard called Misery."

Eddie nodded his head, but before he could say anything, a boy pushed open the door to the office. He walked out looking up and sighing heavily, a piece of paper in his hand.

"A new kid?" Lucas asked.

"This late in the year?" Mike said before looking at Dustin.

The new kid in question opened his eyes and glanced down at his schedule before looking up. He pushed his glasses up as they had slipped down, looking at the people who were looking at him. 

He quickly turned on his heel and walked down the hall, away from the group that was looking at him. 


JD woke up with a start, his throat dry as he turned onto his side and coughed. He blinked slowly as he noticed strange particles floating in the air.

"You're not dreaming." A sudden voice said, startling him as he turned his head towards them.

It had been the girl, the one he had seen briefly before. Her eyes glowed dully, with tiny sparks of blue flashing as she lifted her hand and a fire appeared. JD's eyes widened as he stared at her and the strange flame before he hastily stood up.

"Who ar-are you?" He coughed out, clearing his throat as he tried to focus.

She sighed and shook her head. "It doesn't matter right now. We need to start walking, they're waiting for us to lower our defenses."

JD blinked before asking, "Who exactly? The Russians?" 

YN stared at him in disbelief. "What- do you know where you are right now?"

He rapidly shook his head with an awkward chuckle escaping him. "No, not at all! I don't know who you are or who this 'they' is!"

A silence filled the distilled air before a loud screech was heard from above them.

"Oh shit." She muttered as they both took a look around the dark sky, taking steps back.

"What was that?" He asked. 

YN shook her head. "No clue. But it can't be anything good." 

They paused for a moment as another screech was heard, and it was closer.

"I think we should run-"

"Yeah, that would be a good idea!"


Will sighed as he sat on his bed after another exhausting day at school. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, his mind drifting from thought to thought. Before he thought about her. It took him a moment, the deep feeling of longing and anger stirring in his stomach.

He missed her. A lot.

It had been a painstaking few months, trying to live again. Sure he had done it before when she first went missing. And he had done fine. But it was different this time.

This time, she was his girlfriend. This time, there was no body or anything to see. Or to find.

It wasn't like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It was like trying to find the right key, in a stack of keys. An impossible task, especially when there are multiple stacks, and no clue to know where the right key is.

He opened his eyes, turning to his side and facing his desk. His eyes darted from picture to picture, drawing to drawing. He sighed heavily, squeezing his eyes shut.


His eyes shot open, sitting up quickly as his heart pounded beneath his ribs.

"Will? Are you alright? You're going to miss dinner!" Joyce called from outside his door.

Will exhaled, realizing he had fallen asleep.

"Yeah, I'm fine! I'll be out in a minute." He said before he listened for the departing footsteps.

He rubbed his face closing his eyes for a moment. "Where are you?" He whispered, despite knowing that he wouldn't have an answer.

Lost in Mind || Will Byers {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now