|R5| - The Confrontation

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**Hey, sorry for the delayed update! I've been busy with trying to get another job, but also with my new book! If you all don't already know, I have a new Stranger Things book out! It has two chapters already out! And although it isn't an x reader, the main love interest is Eddie Munson (He's my favorite and I will riot if he dies). It starts back in season one, but Eddie is there! However, he won't know about the upside-down until season 4. So if you all wouldn't mind checking that out for me, [It's called, A Freaking Rebel  by the way] that would be amazing! Anyways, enjoy the chapter!**

Zack felt nervous. He had done something stupid, but he had done it for a good reason. But, he felt like something had gone wrong. And with the glare that Mike Wheeler was giving him, he felt like Mike hadn't been brainwashed.

When the bell rang, Zack scrambled to gather his notebooks. Hoping that if he moved fast enough, Mike wouldn't bother him. But when he tried to head to the door, a hand was on his upper arm. He sighed softly, muttering a heavy 'fuck' under his breath before he turned around.

"I think we need to talk." Mike glared at him as other classmates walked passed them.


JD looked over at YN in concern as they slept silently by the fire. He quickly looked away as YN shifted in her sleep, no doubt slowly waking up. His mind drifted to his brother, who had been sent off on a mission. Where he was, he didn't know.

He thought about how his brother wasn't normal. Or wasn't as normal as he was. As normal as YN was. 

Zackary, his younger brother, had the power to mimic other powers. Anyone that he's come in contact with, that had powers, he could mimic it. But he has to come in contact with them. So he only had the ability to brainwash, because he had only been around him. Until YN had been taken in, and that strange older woman came in.

After that, Zackary's powers went strange. 

Coughing brought him out of his thoughts, he turned towards YN who had sat up with her hand on her chest, coughing harshly. Her eyes watered and JD felt panic crawling around in his stomach before he rushed over to her. He put his hand on her back, patting her back to try and help her, but it felt hopeless. Then she turned to the side and coughed out a black liquid that hit the cold ground with a splatter. 

JD and YN stared at the liquid in horror before they turned to each other.

"Do you normally do that?" He asks, slightly horrified at his own question.

She shook her head before she used the back of her hand to wipe her mouth. JD's mouth fell open as he saw something that had changed. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand out in front of them.

"What the hell-" She yelped, startled as she was tugged forward.

"Shut up." He hissed as his eyes went wide. "What the hell is happened to you?" 

Her brows furrow before she sees what he was talking about. 

Her fingertips had started turning jet black. Hesitantly, she touched her thumb to her index finger before her eyes widened.

"I can't feel it." She whispered, turning to him in fear. "I can't feel them."

He curses as they both look down at her fingertips, their minds swirling as they tried to think of what could have caused this.

YN paused as she thought back to how she was brought here, but then she froze.

She couldn't remember what had happened after Cordelia had opened up the portal to the upside-down. She couldn't remember what had happened, and what she did know, was that she had woken up the upside-down with JD yelling out for help. She felt tears dotting her eyes as her vision started to blur slightly. 

"Hey, we'll figure it out," JD said as he moved in front of her. "We'll find a way to get out of here, and fix this."

She let out a small nervous chuckle and shook her head. "You don't know that."

And he fell silent.


"You're the one who did this. You can undo it!" Mike yelled at Zack behind the school, and Zack sighed.

"No, I really can't Mike."

Mike pushed Zack against the brick and glared. "And why not?"

Zack glared up at him before pushing his back. "Because they have my brother!"

Mike paused, not expecting that before he shook it off. "Who does? And what does that have to do with YN and the town-"

"It has everything to do with the town forgetting and her disappearance," Zack stated before he slumped back against the brick, looking down. "They're the ones that have her, the Russians. And they have my brother. And if I don't do what they tell me to do, then they'll kill him."

Mike stared at him for a moment, studying him, trying to tell if he was lying or not. But it would make sense. 

"Why did they take her?" Mike asks, calmer than before.

Zack sighs while shaking his head. "I don't know. All I do know is that she wasn't the only one they wanted. But she was the easiest to get. That, and this weird lady wanted to talk to her."

Mike frowned in confusion. "And old lady?"

Zack shrugged before he looked back at Mike. "I don't know. None of it made sense. But they had wanted her for some reason, and the woman, she had powers too."


YN stared ahead in silence as they walked more. Her mind drifted as she absentmindedly circled her index finger around her thumb.

'You should not have returned.'

She looked over her shoulder as a strange voice spoke, but no one was there. And JD hadn't even noticed it.

'You were meant to be so much more. I can make you so much more.'

YN shivered as she felt a sensation tickle something in her brain. Her vision faded rapidly, a startled gasp escaping her, causing JD to look at her.

As her vision came back, she was standing where she had been before.

But she was covered, drenched in blood. The black had spread to her wrists, and she couldn't feel the blood dripping from her fingers.

A scream echoed through the upside-down, before it fell silent.

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