Chapter 3

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I look around the halls to make sure everything is clear.

I heard the wand is in a museum, and i know exactly how to get there.
I get up to the doors and see a guard sitting there.

good thing i never come empty handed. I get my Mothers flower out and start to hold it.

You think that flower kept my mother beautiful and young which it did. But it can do so much more.

If i just hold the flower in my hands and wish for something it'll come true.

it's kind of like a spell flower if you will.

I hold the flower and wish the guard would fall asleep.

As the guard falls asleep I try to open the doors but it doesn't budge.

i wish for the doors to open quickly and shut as i enter.

I sneak around the guard as i get in the museum.

I look around every room i can and approach one with statues of the villains, including one of my mother.

they have her very detailed almost like she's really standing there.

I shake me head and start to look around again remembering the real reason why i came here.

i finally find the wand but it's trapped in a barrier

"Great" i say to myself. But what do i expect? it is a very powerful wand and they want to keep it away from people like me.

i hear distant conversations and see the group of 4 approaching me.

you have got to be shitting me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Mal says annoyed.

"I can say the same for you" i say looking at all of them.

"well i asked first" She says.

I rollt my eyes, "okay i came here to get the wand obviously" i motion to the fact i'm standing right next to it.

"i guess your here for the same reason huh?" i say

"and i guess that explains why the guard was asleep and the doors weren't locked." Mal says

I pull out my flower, "guess your not the only one with some magic on ya."

"Okay ladies let's not get into a cat fight." Jay says

Me and Mal both roll our eyes at Jay.

And of course Jay gets the smart idea to just go up and grab the wand which sets the alarms off.

We all make a run for it, "great job Jay now we have to go to school tomorrow" Mal says.

Carlos stops the alarms going off "Your welcome" he says

I roll my eyes, "come on"


I wake up to the sound of birds chirping.


I get up to go brush my teeth when I see my roommate Lonnie getting up.

Not wanting to become off for a bad start I go up to her and greet myself.

"Hi im Y/n Gothel" I raise my hand for her to shake but she pulls me into a small hug.

"Hi Im Lonnie Hua, daughter of Mulan"

Ive heard a lot of Mulan and she sounds like a badass person, and since Im bunked with her daughter I have a feeling we will become best friends.

"Would you like to join me and my friends for breakfeast?" Lonnie says.

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