Chapter 13

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I wake up to a beautiful Sunday morning in Harrys arms.

Im so happy.

I do wish I could just sleep like this in his arms all day.

I mean technically I have until 6 to do that.

Harry wakes up and looks at me.

"Morning beautiful" He says in his morning voice.

Hes. So. Hot.

I turn around to look at him.

"Morning sunshine" I say back to him in my morning voice.

We both get up to stretch.

"Do you mind if I take a shower?" I ask.

"Oh dont worry love you dont have to ask." He says.

I grab some clothes and my towel.

I turn around to see a smirk on his face.

"Wanna shower together?" He asks.

i give him a side eye because boy what.

"uh Harry your funny, but no"

Of course I would want to buttt you know.

"I know but we've always been flirty with each other so its like we've always been in a relationship" He says.

Hes kinda not wrong. But I'm not ready to see his penis so no.

"Listen as much as I would love too, I am not ready to see whats in your pants so." I said.

"Oh, its okay I dont wanna pressure you I'll wait till ur done." He says.

Im glad he doesnt wanna pressure me.

Everyone is different sometimes people in relationships just want to get on with it, but me I want to try and take it slow.

I get in the shower and start thinking.

Why is Uma acting so jelous?

Its not my fault that I got invited to Auradon.

Like it is a little better then the isle, but only because you get treated better.

But on the down side of it you dont get to break rules and everyone is just so nice and what not.

So yes I do choose the Isle and I will cone back home officially.

I just need to get that wand.

I finish up with my shower and get ready for the day.

I do my hair, get my clothes on and brush my teeth.

I notice my hickeys are starting to fade away a bit but Im still going to cover them up because they're a little noticeable and I'm not taking my chances.

I grt out and head to Harrys room to pack my bag up.

"Love its only 1pm we still have plenty of time before you have to go back home." Harry says.

"I know I just like to keep myself organized, and be ahead of time." I said.

He nods his head and gets hinself ready.

"Harry can I do your makeup, Ive always wanted to do it on you." I say.

He shrugs his shoulders and says "Sure go ahead, why not"

I do a little dance and squeal.

Ive always wanted to do this.

"Sit on the bed okay?" I tell him.

He sits on the bed while I grab his black eyeshadow and concealer.

I sit on the bed across from him and try to put on the concealer first.

"Harry Im kind of struggling a bit" I say.

"Why dont you come closer then" He says.

He puts his hands on my waist and pulls me to where Im straddling him.

"Is that beter love?" He asks.

Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself Y/n.

"Yes it is" I say in a nervous voice.

He gives me butterflies so bad.

"Alright I'm all done, I think I do it better then you" I say with a petty smirk.

"We'll see about that" He says.

I get off of him so he can go check of what an amazing job I did on him.

"Okay love you might've done a little bit better then I do" He says trying not to admit that I'm just better.

"You bet your ass I did better then you" I say with a smirk.


Its 5:30 pm now and today has been great.

Harry had me read to him again and this time he didnt fall asleep.

He said that the book was great, when in real life I think he was just listening to my voice in one ear and out the other.

We danced and he wanted to do the Waltz.

It makes me happy because he is just so proud of how good hes gotten to do it.

And right now hes trying to make me food.

"Dont worry love I wont burn anything" He says.

I know Harry. And I know he is not the best cook.

Trust me I tried to convince him to let me but he insisted that he would.

I let it slide. Only to be nice.

The only thing he has is Mac and cheese. So he shouldnt be able to burn the food.

At least that I know of.

"Alright all done" Harry says.

He sits down across from me and sets down two bowls, one for me and one for him.

"Try it" He says.

I try it and its actually not that bad.

"Its not bad, good job Harry" I say.

"See I'm not a horrible cook when it comes to this." He says.

Yeah sure.

I roll my eyes playfully at him.

We both finish our mac and cheese and put our dishes in the sink.

Its 5:45

"Harry, we need to get going like now" I say grabbing my stuff.

We walk put of the house and Harry puts his arm around my shoulder.

We stop by the bridge where the entrance is and wait.

"Hey thank you so much for letting me stay at your place. Ill be back every friday okay?" I say.

"Of course love, make sure to call me every night so we can still talk." He says.

"Okay" I say smiling at him.

"Okay" He says smiling back.

The cab arrives.

I kiss Harry on the lips and say goodbye.

We both wave off to each other and we are not on the bridge driving back to Auradon.

I grab a bunch of grapes and think to myself.

I miss him already.

*Authors note*
Im think about just putting all 3 of the movies in just this book because my chapters are kinda short so might as well make the book long, get wim?

1062 words.

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