Chapter 6

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Its time for detention with Mr Smith. Blah.

But Carlos will be there. So yay.

Carlos and I head to detention right at 3 o'clock.

Mr Smith is standing by the entrance waiting for us.

He stops us before we go in the classroom."Phones now." He says with a basket in his hands.

Carlos and I put our phones in the basket and try to go in the classroom when Mr smith stops us again and says "The burner phone Gothel."

I obviously always come prepared but Mr Smith doesnt have to know that.

"I dont have one Mr smith" I say with a straight face seeing that im telling the "truth"

He believes me.

The trick is to not turn in your burner phone becuase then the teacher will always know you'll have one. Like hello. Students always fall for it.

He finally unlocks the door and invited us in. He sits at his desk and says "Alright you guys have to sit away from each other, Gothel there" he points me to one side of the class "De Vil, over there" he points towards the other end.

Carlos and I sit down at our seats as Mr Smith sits at his desk.

"Do whatever just stay quiet" He says pulling up a newspaper.

Luckily the newspaper covers his face so he wont see Carlos and I.

Carlos starts to write on a peice of paper and folds it up so it doesnt make much noise, then throws it to me.

I unfold and read it

Im sorry about last night, I should've said something but I didnt know how upset you couldve been. Seeing you sad makes me sad and I missed talking to you so Im going to tell you the stuff we've been doing to hopefully make you feel better since i know thats the answers you're looking for.

I smile at his note. I get how he didnt want to blurt out anything infront of them.

Loosing 4 friends is worse then just loosing 1.

I write on the back of it.

Its okay I forgive you Carlos. But I just dont understand why it has to be kept secret from me. It shouldnt be that bad I mean I love doing bad stuff. And you know that.

I fold the paper up watching Mr Smith to make sure hes still distracted, but honestly I think hes sleeping.

I throw the note to Carlos and watch him read it. I see that he nods his head.

He grabs a different peice of paper and starts to write. He folds it up and throws it go me.

To be honest I dont know why it was kept secret. I kept quiet because I was embarrassed how you didnt know. I though Evie wouldve told you so I never thought about it. But last night we were making cookies with a love spell. Mal was making it so Ben could fall inove with her. The reason is because we are trying to get to fairy god mothers wand. The first day of school we snuck out in the middle of the night to the museum so try and steal and and obviously that didnt work because you were there.

Oh? I write back

Well I wouldve loved to done that stuff with you guys but im glad that you are having fun doing that stuff. Do you mind if I can be included? if you do anymore stuff. overall thank you for telling me.

I decide to just tell him about the blurt out.

Also about the blurt out I was day dreaming about Harry. Yes as in Harry Hook.

I fold the paper back up and throw it to him.

I watch him read the note with a shocked face. He turns over to me and nods his head with a thumbs up.

I look over at the clock and notice its 4 which means detention is over.

I look at Carlos and nod my head at the clock. He nods and we both get up.

I walk over to Mr Smiths desk amd hes passed out.

I take one of the sharpies on his desk and draw a mustache and a long dick on his forehead.

I grab Carlos' hand and run out of the classroom snickering.

We stop in the middle of hallway as I remeber I have cheer practice at 4:30.

Thats when I also remeber one other thing. "Oh hey Carlos did you make the lacrosse team?" I ask.

"Yeah I did, but Im no good" He says a little sad.

Hes on the team with Jay so I figure that hes comparing himself to him. He does it all the time and it makes me upset.

"Carlos you cant keep comparing yourself to him" I say.

"I know but hes better at everything then me" he says.

"Carlos hes not better at everything, what is he even better at?"

"Well hes better at sports and flirting with girls and-"

I stop him.

"Carlos he is NOT better at flirting with girls so dont ever say that. But I can say you dont need to be better at sports not everyone is good at everything. You're good at being my best friend. And you're also really smart I notice in all the classes that you're getting A's and is always caught up" I say.

He smiles at me with his face a little red.

I look at my watch and see that its 4:10. I have to head to my dorm and get changed and head to practice.

"Carlos I need to head to practice so Ill see you later, okay?" I say to him.

He nods his head. "Its okay I have conditioning today at the field wanna just walk down together?"

I nod my head. I give him a kiss on the cheeck and head towards my dorm.


•ik this chapter is short but i don't know what to do with it•

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