Chapter 9

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2 days later*

Its finally Friday and Im tired of school so I decided to skip today.

No Evie still hasnt apologized. But I have been hanging out with Carlos and Jay a lot.

Me and Ben have been getting pretty close too. Which Im happy about becuase hes pretty cool.

I decided to go to lunch still in my pajamas.

I see Carlos and Jay sitting at our table so I go over to them.

" Damn what happened to you?" Jay says.

I give him a look and say "Just got out of bed, you?"

"Are you skipping classes today?" Carlos asks.

"Uh yeah I am what about it" I said.


"Yall wanna skip with me? We can just hang in my dorm." I say.

They look at me like they were waiting to hear me say it.

We finish eating lunch and head to my dorm.

I realized Carlos and Jay havent been to my dorm yet.

I stop infront of my door and turn to them.

"Okay listen I'm setting some rules dont touch something withouy asking, remeber I share this dorm with Lonnie so dont go through her stuff, and just dont make a mess." I say.

They both nod their heads just waiting for me to open my door.

I let them step in first and I can tell by their faces that they love it.

Im glad they do, I worked very hard on my side.

"You can really tell whos sides whos" Jay says.

I smile at that. I love my side of the room so much.

After Jay and Carlos stop gazing around the room we just hangout on my bed.

"How about we play a little truth or dare" I say getting a little bored.

They both shrug their shoulders I guess meaning why not.

"Ill go first" I say.

"Carlos, truth or dare?"


I pretend to think even though I already knew what to say "I dare you to tell us who your crush is"

Ive been watching Carlos very carefully and I think he likes this one girl named Jane.

His face goes red.


"Uhm" Is all he manages to say.

"Okay Carlos your not even denying it at this point just say who." I said.

"Fine. Ill tell you. Her name is Jane" he says.

I jump up from my bed doing a little dance.

I sit back down while Carlos and Jay stare at me weirdly.

"I knew it" I say, laughing.

"Alright my turn then Y/n truth or dare?" Carlos says.

"Dare I'm no pussy" I said.

"I dare you to tell Jay who your crush is" He says with a smirk on his face.

Carlos you dirty bitch.

Harry and Jay hate each other probably more then Mal hates me.

Which says a lot.

They hate each ither because when we were 8 Jay was walking with a lamp in his hand then Harry sees it, takes it from Jays hand and broke it right infront of his face. Jay got to pissed that he took Harrys hook and snapped it into two peices, threw it on the ground and stepped on it.

And they've been at each other ever since.

But since now me amd Jay are close I dont want him to be upset.

But since we ARE close I gotta tell him.

"i dont like anyone" i say which i know they know is bullshit.

"not buying it" jay says.

"Ugh fine I like Harry Hook" I blurt out talking really fast.

"oh" Jay says.

"Listen I've liked him for a long time and-"

"Yeah 10 years is a very long time" Carlos says interrupting me.

i give Carlos a look.

"You know Im done playing this game and I feel like going outside"
I say trying to ease up the slight tension.

"Nah I think we'll just head to our dorm but it was fun Y/n Thank you" Jay says.

We all head our seperate ways.

Im sitting by a tree reading a book when I see Ben standing right above me.

"Not in classes?" He asks.

"Nope not today." I said.

He sits down next to me.


I set my book down and look at him with my eyebrows raised.

"So do you miss home? I could never be away from my home for this long" He says.

You know now that I think about it I really do miss home

"Yeah I miss my friends back home and even how we lived a life with you know nobody telling us what to do." I said.

"You know you can go back there"

No I didnt know that.

I sit up a bit more and look at him.

"Wait actualy? And can I come back here?" I ask.

"Yeah sure if you wanted." He says.

"Uh yeah I want that" I say about to explode.

"Lets make a deal then, you can go back to the isle every Friday and stay until Sunday but you have to come to my orientation."

I look at him confused. i've heard about it but never really knew what it was about.

"When I become king. Everyone has to dress up in nice clothes and at the end we have a party." He says.

i think for a second. "You don't happen to know if like fairy god mothers wand will be there" i say with a slight smirk.

Ben and his innocent self says, "oh yeah it will be there"

I nod my head to myself. sounds like a great deal to me.

"Deal. When is it?"

"June 1st. The day after the last day of school. Its on a Saturday." He says.

"Deal" I say.

I put my hand out to shake it and he returns it.

"Every friday I will have a cab ready for you by 4 o'clock, and it will pick you up every sunday by 6 o'clock" He says.

I get up very excited and look at my watch.

3:30. Perfect time

I run towards the school and head straight to my dorm

Im running through the halls yelling "IM GOING HOME BABY"

I spot Carlos and Jay and invite them to my dorm.

We go in and I immediately start packing.

As Im packing I'm telling them everything ben told me.

"Guys going to his orientation is perfect to get fairy god mothers wand" I say.

They both nod their heads in agreement.

I finish packing and tell them goodbye.

"See you guys Sunday" I say.

"See you Sunday Y/n" Carlos and Jay said.

I hop into the cab and we're off.


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