Chapter 14

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I get out if the cab to see Carlos and Jay waiting for me.

I run up to them and give them a hug.

"Hey guys, how was your weekend?" I ask.

"We talk about that later when you get your stuff put back." Jay says.

"Sounds good to me" I say.

We're in my dorm room and I finished unpacking all my stuff.

Jay, Carlos and I are sitting on my bed talking about how our weekends went.

"Nothing really happened just lacrosse practice amd we have a game Tuesday so that probably means you need to get started on learning your cheer routines." Carlos said.

I nod my head understanding I will probably need to practice everyday after school.

"Hows Mal and Eve?" I ask.

I dont usually talk about Mal or Evie anymore because their just being snobs but why not ask.

"Well Evie finally got over chad because he used her for answers and he snitched her out for using her mirror during classes. But Im pretty sure her and Doug are a thing." Jay says.

As much as I wouldnt want to talk to Evie Im glad her and Doug are a thing Ive been rooting for them since we came here.

"Mal and Ben went on a date to the enchanted lake though and Mal said it was a success." Carlos said.

I nod my head up and down. Im guessing as a "success" that just means we're getting closer to getting that wand.

"How is Harry though?" Carlos asks.

I choke on my spit.

"Um well..." I know I should tell Jay and Carlos, but they dont really like Harry. 

"Uhm, me and Harry are kind of a thing" I say.

Jay and Carlos stare blankly.

"Uhm but I dont think Uma and I are friends anymore." I say trying to change the subject.

"Why, tell us whats wrong." Carlos says.

"Well on Saturday we all went to the fish and chips shoppe and Harry asks me how Auradon is. And I tell the truth we get treated better over here but everyone is just to nice for my liking and we cant break rules and stuff without someone giving a care. And then Uma got all like mad I think shes jelous and said she doesnt want to hear about it, I dont really know what she said but what I do know is that I told her its not my fault I got invited you know? And she just left and I havent seen or talked to her since."

It still has me thinking. Like why.

"Well Im sure she is jelous. She doesnt need to be Im sure she'll be invited here soon enough." Jay says.

"I agree, a real friend shouldnt be mad or jelous it wasnt your choice." Carlos says agreeing with Jay.

"Thank you guys. Yall are the best" I tell them.

I give them both a hug and we just sit and talk some more.

"Okay guys we have school in the morning so get out of my room its already 8" I say.

"Holy shit it is late." Jay says looking at the clock above my door.

"Goodnight you guys see ya tomorrow" I say.

"Goodnight" Jay and Carlos say at the same time, heading out my door.

After today Im pretty tired so Im just gonna hit the hay and go to sleep.

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