Chapter 16

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I wake up getting a message from Ben saying I'm suspended for 3 days.

Oh well it was worth it.

I go down to breakfast so I can tell Carlos and Jay about it.

I get up from my bed not planning on changing my appearance and head to the cafeteria.

No one is there yet so I just sit at my table and think.

Oh my god.

I need to tell Carlos and Jay and what Ben knows.

I see the boys at the entrance and wave them over hoping they would hurry their slow asses up.

"Morning Y/n" Carlos says.

"Morning guys I have 2 things to tell you." I say

"What is it?" Jay asks.

"Okay well first I'm suspended for 3 days and second you wont belive what Ben told me." I say.

"What?" Carlos says.

"When he went on that date with Mal they went to the enchanted lake." I say hoping they might get the hint.

"Yeah we know" Jay says.

"No guys the enchanted lake is enchanted which means Mals love spell washed off" I say.

They both make the "Realization" face.

"Ohhhh" Jay says.

"Uh oh" Carlos said.

"Yeah uh oh is right. Ben told me that he thinks Mal did it because she loves him and wants him all to herself" I say in a mocking voice.

"What a cocky bitch" Carlos said.

"EXACTLY" I say to him knowing my exact words.

"Well then he asked me if I knew about it and I just said no because Mal and I dont talk"

"Good cover up hopefully hes not suspicious of us." Jay says.

"Yeah but I wonder why he only asked you and not any of us" Carlos says.

I think for a second.

"Hm that it weird. Maybe he will tell yall he just hasnt had the chance too." I say.

"Hey guys"

I choke on my drink as I hear Ben behind me.

They boys give me a knowing look and I roll my eyes.

I turn around to see Ben.

"Hey Ben" I say.

"Uh I was just going to ask Y/n something." He says.

I raise an eyebrow. "Sure what's up"

"Uhm well since you're suspended I thought maybe you would want to go home." He says.

I smile in joy.

"Wait really?" I say.

"Yeah, its wednesday so 3 days will take up to friday and then it's the weekend. So that means you'll have a good 4 days to be there. You can leave tonight if you like" He says.

I jump up and hug him. "Thank you thank you thank you." I say very happy.

I turn to Carlos and Jay.

"Guys I'm sorry but I'm going to go pack." I tell them.

"No worries go have fun" Carlos says.

I give the both of them a hug and say goodbye. "See you sunday" I say waving them off.

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