Chapter 7

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Im in my dorm and i grab my cheer bag. i change my clothes so it's more flexible to be in and head by the doors to the field.

I see Carlos by the doors waiting for me.

"Alright let's go" i say opening the doors

"I promised Jay I would wait for him." He says, stopping me.

I rollt me eyes, "fine but if he acts weird Im leaving" I say.

Like I've said before I'm friends with Jay, its just that hes very flirty and weird and he just doesnt take the hint that I'm not into him.

Jay spots us and says "Hey Y/n you going to practice?"

"Yeah I was just wanting to walk with yall if that's okay" I said.

"Yeah of course its okay." Jay says.


We're almost to the field when Jay says "you ready for your private practice with Ben and I?"

Private practice?

I dont say anything because I dont want to be rude.

"Alright guys I gotta head over there meet you by the bleachers after practice?" I ask.

They both nod their heads yes and head towards the other side of the field near the woods.


Its the end of practice and I see Jay and Carlos finishing up. Then Ben waves over for me to go over there.

I point to myselff to make sure he's actually referring to me as he nods his heads yes. I look around to double check that it is me and jog my way over their.

"Hey Y/n how has school been going for you?" He asks.

I know hes checking on me because hes nice plus I'm from the isle and he probably wants to know if im pleased with coming here or not.

"Its doing fine, but im excited for the first game tomorrow" I say.

"Im excited too, hopefully we win" he says.


I go over to Carlos and Jay and see a dog about 100 feet away.

Carlos looks in my direction and his eyes go wide.

The dog starts running over towards us and Carlos looks like hes about to shit himself.

Uh oh.

Next thing I know Carlos ran straight into the woods with the dog following him.

I look over to Ben and Jay and I start running towards Carlos, with Ben and Jay following me.

I hear the dog barking so I follow its sound when next thing I know Carlos is up in a fucking tree.

Damn he really is scared of dogs.

"Carlos get down from the god damn tree, its just a dog!" I yell to him

"No its going to eat me alive" he says.

Fucking christ.

I pick up the dog and I start to pet him. "See he's nice" I try to show him but he looks away.

Ben comes up and takes the dog from me. He looks all confused.

"Do you guys not have dogs over there?" Ben asks.

Carlos, Jay and I put our heads down.

"Oh" Ben says.

Carlos eventually gets down from the tree.

"Carlos this is Dude, Dude this is Carlos" Ben says, handing the dog over to Carlos.

Carlos takes Dude from Ben and starts to pet him.

"See dogs arent bad. Your mom is just a bitch" I say.

He nods his head a little embarrassed that I'm right about his mom.

"We'll give you guys some time alone" Ben says pushing me and Jay out of the woods.

Im happy Carlos is now over his fear.

Jay and I start heading towards the school when I ask him "Jay? Why do you always flirt with girls. Or you know me?"

He turns his head and looks at me probably not knowing what to say.

He just shrugs his shoulders and say "I dont know I guess that I just wanted to get close to you, like how you're close with Carlos. I guess that I was jelous because I had a thing for you."


"I always try to compete with Carlos but the thing that I really wanted was you."

Wow. Ok.

My eyes are wide. Im literally speechless.

"Jay I just never really had a thing for you." I blurt out. I kinda feel bad because I dont feel the same for him but you know.

He looks a little disappointed.

"Hey there are plenty of girls in the world its not just me. Plus we can always become closer friends if that makes you happy?"  I say.

His face lightens up. "I think being close friends would be great I just hope it wouldnt be weird for you."

I shake my head no. "I think we would make great friends. Just dont flirt and be weird with me"

He laughs "I promise I wont."

I smile at him.

We part our ways and head to our dorms getting ready for dinner.


Im sitting at the table when I see Evie walk in. Giving me a dirty look.

Girl she better put that face away before I smack it off.

All I want is an apology and to tell me why she didnt tell me about the sneaking out stuff they've been doing.

And I aint talking to her till she straightens the fuck up.

Evie and Mal are a couple seats away from us and im about to explode.

Jay and Carlos notice me zoning out a bit and they start shaking me.

"Uhm Y/n you bent the fork in half" Jay says.

I always carry my Mothers flower with me so maybe it just gave me some strength. or maybe it's my natural flaws.

I put the fork down and get up going over to Evie and Mal.

"Listen you guys wispering and shit I dont care but you need to stop giving me looks." I say mostly directed to Evie.

She looks away. I dont know why she does these things I feel like she scared of me a little.

I sit down

"Evie you're supposed to be my friend. And you still wont apologize for what you did plus now this? Pathetic."

I get up and walk away.

Maybe im being dramatic but Im petty and Im not being friends with her until she apologizes.

Thats all what I want.

I head to my dorm and start reading my favorite book "The Notebook: By Nicholas Sparks."

I see Lonnie come in as Im about to pass out from being tired.

Then im off to sleep.


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