Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Castle Solomon lit brightly with fire and light made by magic. Carriages lined the road leading to the castle walls while others road in the skies, the sight reminded the people, the debutants and those who participated in the Marriage Market, of the initial days of the Season. And like the beginning and start of a day, as presentation was held in the morning, the last ball was held at night. A full cycle of the beginning and end.

"I've never seen the Glass Dome before," Malia said as she stared at the castle they approached. She sat beside the Dowager in the carriage, her head peering out the window and a smile reaching her ears. Like the rest of the family, she was dressed in the finest dress of their family colors: black and silver.

Only five months ago, he sat in the same carriage with the Dowager heading to Castle Solomon for Carina's presentation, the only difference was his niece's absence and in her stead was Malia. It felt like a trick made by the gods and Merlin to toy with him, or maybe it was a foresight to what was to come. With Carina gone, the next visits he would make to Castle Solomon was for his own purposes, or maybe Malia's, since his mother has been dropping hints of his cousin joining the marriage market the next season, even when she is already deemed an old maid. Along with the secret she shared with him – was Malia even interested in men?

"Finally," the Dowager huffed. "After three years of constantly coming here twice in a season, this is the last time I would do so."

"You won't be attending any of the soirees by Solomon, Mother?" Regulus asked.

"Only if it is deemed important, and not something I must worry about. With the girl securing her future – though through undesirable circumstances – I can finally rest easy and enjoy myself in soirees."

Regulus looked at his mother with slight surprise. "I never thought you worried for Carina during those years."

"Worrying for the girl is linked to my worry for our family. Though with Alexia possibly rotting in Azkaban, and the obvious arse licking done by the others, and the obvious blackmailing done by Phobos, we must make haste in securing your line. Luckily, unlike unmarried women, you do not need a chaperone or a hovering mother to make sure your honor is secured."

Regulus and Malia turned to the Dowager, surprised to hear her use such language. Maybe even Walburga Black could swear like a soldier for certain occasions, or when she is at her wits end.

He wanted to say that even with the Dowager's hovering Carina still managed to slip through her fingers, but wisely decided not to. Not only was it a jab at the Dowager but to Carina as well, and tonight was not supposed to be like that. Beside him, he felt the heavy weight of the polished black box. It was small and easily carried by one hand, but that was not what made it so heavy.

"You visited your brother recently, am I correct?" The Dowager asked.

Regulus caught glance that Malia gave him and said, "I did."

"When will he be free?"

"We expect his sentence to be given the same day as Nott's and the rest. He will be residing in Danu with Carina after that." If possible, the Dowager's frown deepened. Sirius' words echoed in his mind, about how their parents have favored him more than his brother. Still, a mother was a mother. "I'm sure Carina will let you go to Clach Dhubh if you wish to see him."

The Dowager huffed. "If he wishes to see me."

Maybe Sirius was wrong.

They were greeted first by the footmen who assisted their descent from the carriage, followed by those still respecting the damaged reputation of the Blacks, but most were sneers and whispers. It would take time and a good strategy to fix their image, it would help if Carina made a statement now, since she still holds the Black family name. Once she can fix her name, it would help with the rest, especially when they present a united front. He told her that coming to the last ball would help her image, but he still has not seen Carina or any of her household.

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